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The gyms have been closed for months on end due to the you-know-what here in the Netherlands! Annndd I'm just so dreadful at motivating myself to do any type of exercise (unless you count running for trains, then I do that sever times a week!). The gyms have opened again recently and I'm trying the pluck up just the smallest sliver of motivation to drag my bum over there and at least *attempt* exercise- I'll let you all know in a couple of weeks if I have succeeded in this up hill battle!




I just read that certain countries are opening up for tourists, including the Netherlands. That's a great sign for your country. Good luck with the gym! 👍🏻


Yes it's finally happening! I went to the gym for the first time two days ago and what a lovely experience that was! Also restaurants are opening again, I seriously missed going out for dinner :'D