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On the politics of emotions and emotionalism.

Philosopher Nina Power (an editor and columnist at Compact Magazine) kicks off this series by talking to us about anger, hate, and evil.

  • Do we complain too little or too much? Should we be more repressed?
  • Political passions were meant to be dead. Has anger overtaken apathy?
  • Should we hate our enemies? Is that okay?
  • Has contemporary society become hysterical?
  • Why does everyone want to be a victim today? How does this relate to self-interest?
  • Is evil a psychological concept?




Pier Paolo Tamburelli

I think Virno tried in his last books to imagine a Marxist approach to politics starting from the (very Catholic) idea that man is evil by nature. Didnt read these works in detail but it sounds very similar to Nina's argument

Ricardo de Cillo

It seems that the left has a problem acknowledging they are an antagonizing force and they will be met with force on the other side. Disproportional force. There's no evil. The old left got this. They would have one or two tricks under their sleeves to show the police. You know, Marighella style. I mean they would write books on how to resist and organize. It's a confrontation and it's kind of naive to expect a fair treatment. The left is also not righteous. It's politics, not a Holly war. It's like, people refuse to see the true rules that govern their actions and others and they seem to be all the time outraged by how others don't behave the way they expected. Then they get broken to the point where they need to resort to the safety of absolute evil from monotheism.