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On Dirtbag and the Millennial Left.

Bungacast regular Amber A'Lee Frost is back to talk about her new book, Dirtbagpart memoir, part critical essays on millennial socialism. In this episode we discuss:

  • Why "millennial"? Does it make sense to talk in generational terms?
  • What are the left's "perversions" as Amber sees them?
  • 'Occupy' was all leaderless, horizontalist crap. Why did Amber stick around?
  • Bernie Sanders did not leave an organizational legacy – why?
  • After the failure of left-populism, in US and Europe, was it all worth it?





I think Lenin was already onto the “necrophilia” part in State and Revolution, first page actually: “The oppressing classes have constantly persecuted the great revolutionaries in their life-time, reacted to their teachings with the most savage malice, the wildest hatred and the most shameless campaigns of lies and slander. Attempts are made after their death to convert them into harmless icons, to canonize them, so to speak, and to confer a certain prestige on their names so as to 'console' the oppressed classes by emasculating the essence of the revolutionary teaching, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarizing it.”

Liam Lenihan

Long time listener. First time subscriber. Big fan of the pod.