That was September, this is October... (Patreon)
2023-09-28 16:06:41
Hey there friends, new and old. After a quiet month in September with Alex being away, we're excited about what we've got planned for October:
- What if debtors just didn't pay up? Jerome Roos joins us for a big double episode to talk about sovereign default. We talk about Mexico, Greece, new debt crises across Africa, in Sri Lanka, and especially in Argentina.
- Will Argentina actually elect an anarcho-capitalist? We'll be covering the election and the strange libertarian-populist challenge of Javier Milei.
- Is the end of the end of history finished already? Ryan Zickgraf tells us it's so over.
- Lily Lynch comes back on the pod to talk all things NATO
- We conclude the Reading Club on Habermas' Legitimation Crisis by looking at the concept of 'polycrisis' – and we begin the final part of this year's syllabus by discussing globalisation and Giovanni Arrighi's Adam Smith in Beijing.
- We talked to notorious internet critic Cory Doctorow about The Internet Con and his plans for taking on Big Tech monopolies
- Cinema is doing class war again - sorta. So we looked back at the OG absurdist satire of the bourgeoisie, by Luis Buñuel
- And the Bunga boys debated the role of consultants in politics and the state.
Bunga Elsewhere
Phil was in the New Statesman, arguing that there was never a serious strategy for restoring Ukrainian sovereignty. Instead, it provided yet more postmodern theatre.