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On cracked-up capitalism.

[Patreon Exclusive]

We continue our discussion with Quinn Slobodian on his book, Crack-Up Capitalism. Is the movement for police abolitionism a case of left-neoliberalism, and if so would the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) be one of those 'zones' Slobodian analyses?

What is the notion of 'soft secession', and is that what everyone is moving towards – or have we passed 'peak zone'? And how best to understand Brexit - a move to create just such a low-tax, low-regulation zone in the heart of Europe, or a breakaway from a low-democracy zone, the EU?





I quite like the idea of larping the nation state into existence.


I would be really interested to hear more about Phil's involvement into 15 minute city protests. So far the media narratives have either been right wing anti-globalism in favour of the protests or centrist/left dismissal of them as conspiracy theorists. It would be helpful to have a deeper discussion of the details of the proposals and the concrete issues that have caused people to protest.