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On Brexit negotiations and state aid; on pandemic policies and confirmation bias; and on Beethoven and access to high culture.


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First time/long time. I'm an infectious diseases doctor from sunny Melbourne. This was a very frustrating episode to listen to! Your engagement with the politics of COVID responses is undermined by scientific illiteracy and it's such a waste of important critique. The is overwhelming evidence that COVID causes excess death - older, poorer people with co-morbidities are more at risk. Young, healthy people die too. Vague references to ‘pre-existing health problems’ (do these deaths matter less?) or claims of falsified death rates is ignorant, but more than that it’s unnecessary. The response to a pandemic is essentially social and political, as you rightly say, why muddy that with easily falsifiable claims that seem to aim to minimise the impact of the disease? There is no need, and these are not the terms of the argument you’re making.


man, i love george lol