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i read all the stuff you guys suggested and was thinking about (when i was not dying of cough)

basically "canon partner" is the most popular suggestion which makes sense i guess but also the one i like the least
I was always trying to make Apogee as loose with canon stuff as possible and "official partner" just breaks everything

randomly generated/created by voting is also weird because why not just use people ocs at that point lol

i know im going literally full 1984 on you but i promise to try to design a character i guess (my brain is really bad right now so its gonna take time) but i still prefer either anon pov or taking people characters for something simpler i guess

it for some reason became as difficult as it could be lol
all my ideas are crap - too small of a brain



Cats n' Cameras

Adorable tail grab for the win


I'm a simple guy- I see Apogee, I'm always happy. Now, Apogee in bath is an unexpected, albeit VERY welcome surprise.


I was always down for "Apogee x Our OCs" kind of art. It's always such a mood lifter and makes my day when I see Apogee with any of my OCs. I'm sure others feel the same way.


Truth be told I like the anon pov or any simple generic partner, it doesnt "break" as you say


I mean, sometimes you need to be told to do the thing you don't want to do, so you know you don't want to do it, and thus are able to choose the other thing instead. It's like flipping a coin for a decision and going against the result because you realized once forced, which one you actually wanted to do. Do what you want :3


Anon POV is fine, everyone gets their own personal Apogee.


Idea: Ask for pateron OC submissions. Then you will have a plethora of male and female characters you can use for art. Ofc set up some TOS. For example: By submitting your OC you agree I have free use to use it in any way shape or form I want for my NSFW artwork. It doesn't have to be full body, it can be half or a tiny portion for whatever fits into the illustration. Also state edits won't rly be a thing since jts your own artist rendition and not a commission and no money is involved. If you use other peoples OCs you can also encourage some tips to show support for the artwork/artist.


Creating a canon partner for her will definitely be a challenge but i feel like it would bring Apogees personality out if she’s interacting with a character who also has a personality, unlike POV-hand-guy. Other than that, it might destroy our fantasy. But I‘m honestly super intrigued about the canon partner thing. I wanna see what you come up with *-* btw have you ever thought about creating an Apogee dating game?

Mister Clacky

The biggest knock, from my perspective, of using OCs from the community is just people on the internet. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen people get irate or demanding because they didn’t win a contest or get a prize. Or opening a random contest leading to begging and guilt tripping. ‘Oh, I never win anything…’ ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if my OC did this and this…’ ‘I can’t believe X won, it’s just because they blah, blah, blah…’. The lore we have with Apogee is that she needs to get real close with someone for intimacy, so a revolving door of randoms doesn’t seem to fit. At least in my opinion.


I mean, I like Anons too. And I think your brain is as large as any of ours.

Starlight Studios

Personally, I prefer Apogee not being tied to a single partner. It's nice seeing her engage/interact intimately with different characters. On another note, seeing Apogee in that outfit (pink top and boots, black skirt and thigh highs) is really doing a number on me. Like, why does this feel so novel, cute, and attractive?! You've definitely drawn her in different styles, but I'm especially affected here. Maybe it's because the fully coordinate outfit feels more in focus (and less common)? Either way, she's insanely cute and fantasies are flying to mind~ Thanks for such a great treat!

William Boyd

How about a series of her with different partners she has dated and been with till you feel out who works for her? Same as she would while dating. Also gives new settings and events. Like her on a boring date or trying to get ready for one.

Kayla Bennett

I prefer no canon partner as well.