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Nothing serious (or maybe it is)
I just need to start bringing order to this nonsense (my nonsense)
I really want to know what you think (if you have time of course)
im not asking you to read it all (its gonna be mass of text)

1) I'm really sick of drawing "anon" or "faceless dude" when im drawing Apogee pron doodles.
pov is fine i guess but there is not much variety in camera angles you can draw with pov really.
So if you have any ideas about that - i want to know. Maybe you want to collectively create character in comment. Or maybe you want give your OCs for that (but then its getting super unfair and i dont know if charging money for that make it special) Or maybe "anon" is fine. Or you want everything at the same times.
(by doodles i mean something like i did with heat and skateboarding on a beach thing)
i need to know because i dropped like 2 of those already because it was weird.

2) In general - what do you want from me?
Anything from commissions, to random interactive things like MLRS i do or strip games or whatever. It is actually really important for me because i live in constant anxiety of "im definitely doing everything wrong" which always ends up in me drawing Apogee most of the time because of fear.
But you are paying me money here... so i need to do something (even tho im terrified of idea to satisfy almost 900 people... omg... weird sentence)

3) Last year's and this one's economy was not great.
Im not gonna do anything without talking to you but my financial situation. But i need to do something to... improve it i guess?
Basically i can see 2 main ways:
- Either im starting to take money from commissions (which i need to sort out)
- Or im rising prices to tiers from 1, 5,10 to 2, 6,12 euro and everything stays the same.
I really dont like talking about this... but i respect your money and your commitment to supporting me for very questionable and even gambling-like gains.

I know its a lot of text and again im not asking you to read it. Im still going crazy about all of this (even tho its been more than a year).
Thank you so much for support.

im probably gonna make polls for so more people can just share their opinions without spending their time on this nonsense but i would like to have more opinions on questions first



1. Not concerned with who Apogee is interaction with, just how she's interacting and how she's reacting to it 2. I'm here to look at Apogee. I feel how you release content provides enough variety to keep me coming back. 3. I'd give money for a commission (tried, in fact, heavy metal Apogee), if you wanted a little more compensation I wouldn't be against it

Mister Clacky

1) It would be neat to have other characters show up instead of blankfaced Anons. Personally, I've always disliked Anon characters (At least yours aren't green!). With your work, it hasn't been any kind of issue because you do take so much care with POV and such to get around it. I can also see the appeal of a singular 'boyfriend' character becoming a consistent thing, since her personality seems very monogamous, or at least seems to need a lot of trust before opening up. Doing some kinda poll/contest for 'Design a Boyfriend' could be a lot of fun for the community. 2) Confession, I don't actually know what MLRS means. I've pieced together that it means submitting a character and it may get sketched later. I think doing that style of Patreon rewards is good for the community. I know I shot a character over in Discord and hope it may come out in your style eventually. I think most people here enjoy Apogee enough they don't mind that's the primary draw because... well... it was the primary draw. A more defined Patreon rewards system might be nice, but would require bookkeeping on your end which is always lame. Like, $5 Patrons get a point a month they pay and can turn in points for things. 4 points for a pencil sketch, 10 points for a normal commission. Something Patrons could save up to know they could get some eventual art without it being the luck of the draw. It's more work to track, but could encourage more folks to join the higher tiers. 3) Those are very reasonable increases. It's always a crapshoot doing increases because having a couple people get turned off can erase several people staying on at the higher rate. I'd certainly plan to stay. It might help if doing an increase came with the implementation of a new perk system or some other visible change to rewards. With such a modest proposed change, I wouldn't think there would be much fall off as a direct result. Doing commission work circumvents that entirely, but adds a whole new potential workload. My two cents anyway. Hope it helps to get a bit of outside perspective.


To start with, you put out more art than any other artist I follow. If you need to raise the price I get that. Whatever you want to do with 1 is good with me, honestly I think charging folks to have their OC with Apogee in a kinda YCH deal is a great idea, pretty sure her design is what brought most of us here. And I'm up for anything content wise, especially if it has more cute Apogee or other gals involved


1) Yes! It would be so cool for her to have an official partner. 2) Love what you are doing but it would be cool if you created a story or comic involving Apogee, this could be a way to introduce a boyfriend for her. 3) Please charge for commissions, your art is beautiful and worth it. Also don't worry about raising the teir price, you post so much, it is totally worth it.

The Radio Star

1) I think a good compromise would be one consistent main partner, with a variety of OCs as other partners. You could even have a higher tier for patrons to submit their OCs. If it gets flooded, you could create a backlog / priority list and limit how much you do each month. 2) I'm here for Apogee. She's adorable, and I enjoy almost every Apogee piece you put out. I do prefer lewds in general, and support very few SFW-only artists - but I think a mix is best. That being said, I encourage you to do a variety, provided you want to. It helps keep people interested, and it may help prevent burnout. It's also probably the best way to satisfy as many people as possible. 3) This is definitely tricky. Commissions are a fine source of income, but be aware that you will feel pressure to deliver, no matter how patient the client is. As for raising tiers, I have a couple of suggestions. * If you're worried about people not liking the price bump, you can start with a smaller bump and see how it performs. Many of your current subscribers would likely support you regardless, though. * I think there is value in having a $1 tier. It's cheap and more likely to encourage subscribers who aren't certain if they will like it. When I subscribed, I saw it was $1 and said "why the heck not". I'm hooked. Line, sinker, and all. If you raise the price for the tier, consider making a new $1 tier that has one picture from the batches you normally do, plus a couple previews. Maybe an extra pic if it's a particularly large batch. I'm sure this would net you some converts to higher tiers.


an equally very cute boy dog would be my vote.