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i, slow this week but i think im speeding up
idk but here is some stuff



Beasty Gimmick

Haha. The plus of being bi.

Silver kitsuné

It’s fine, don’t worry, take ya time ^^

River Lynx

Is that her brother?


The tattoos are the same so I think it's just a male Apogee, but I kinda like the idea of twins getting matching tatts


Boypogee o_O nice Also that Apogee backside <3.


That glare one looks like a pov of "you told a pun while having sex"

Norvin Fisk

heh, she's so short~

Cutter Waller

Yooooo boy Apogee is hot!! Also KIM KITSURAGI REFERENCE 😍


Two of the four artists I'm subbed to are twincest-based, don't get my hopes up for a third xD


Oh no! He's hot!

Gerald Sears

Her brother is cute!


The second one😩. Also if he's like her brother or twin or something, there should totally be an incest piece.

Nightwind Arts

Male Apogee actually looks pretty cool! Interesting design


Male Apogee? Neat concept, very nicely executed.

Starlight Studios

Very cool to see male Apogee, especially with all these styles and expressions! Love the close-ups of Apogee here too. Black sweater Apogee is my favorite; she seems so full of peace and emotion. It's a great look in every sense.

Eric Pixel

I love male Apogee, quite the handsome boyo, but that also just be my bias with me being a raging homosexual. Would love to see NSFW of male Apogee