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Im gonna explain why I dont draw anything else really and why only Apogee

After those 5-6 orders I took only with 1 me and the customer were satisfied (sorry Antoninus especially) 

That is horrible ratio I suck badly and thats why I try to improve as fast as I can by using simplified style and so

its been only like just a little bit over a year of me actually trying studying and going all in

which is very short period to get gud at drawing
Thats why I still cannot believe why you are all supporting me here. Im super scared to disappoint you all... and I know its impossible to satisfy everyone

I guess im just trying to get rid of this im-not-doing-enough anxiety... idk

I see you all voted for dark sailor fuku huh?
Well there will be more spicy stuff with it than




She looks like a cupcake. Wanna eat her up.🧁

Leonidas Leowolf

love love love, there is no need to be anxious, you have to find a style that works for you, you have been killing this style you use for apogee so why not stick to it, the pieces you did with the backgrounds have been lovely too. people are not a master at art because they have perfected every style, they are masters of art because they recognized which style worked best for them and fleshed it out, no need to be perfect. you are doing amazing with apogee so do other pieces in the same style and flesh it out some more, also don't think you have to finish an artpiece the same day you start it, looking at it with a fresh sight a day helps you see things you might have missed. anyway you do amazing and stay you, much love. Leo


I really like your art style even if it's a simplified style. You also have a really good eye for how to light the characters and how it plays across their bodies. If you want to continue to get better then keep drawing and don't give up, we'll be here to support you.


She is such a cutie and I love your style. If you by chance do commissions again I'll definitely try and grab one


You dont need to 'get gud' you are already awesome! You have a unique style that is recognizable, and looks fantastic! *hugs* relax a little, we love your art!

Will of the Wisps

I'm still a pretty new patron here but I chose to support you because I'm the furthest from disappointed I absolutely love your art style and when I first saw it I instantly wanted to see more. Apogee is what drew me here so I'm glad you chose her, she's such a beautiful little cutie (It also helps that she makes me want to do something dirty but I won't get into specifics lol) I think the biggest take away that I can give here is that we wouldn't be here if we didn't think your art was wonderful so please don't be discouraged you're doing great so just keep at it (Also if you ever do commissions again I would definitely be down for one ^^)

Drake Mayors

I keep getting cute dog drawings sent to my email. That's a mighty good deal for me.


And I *maintain* that you did a *fantastic* job with the work you did! As someone who is learning to draw themselves, I can say entirely honestly that you do a great job. I don't just say that for no reason--having really started to experience how difficult things like posing, proportion, shading, expression, and so much more really are, I can say with honesty that I love the way you do it, and that I was *very* happy with the work you did! And I only look forward to seeing how you'll improve. You'll get to where you want to be--especially with the amount you've been drawing! I reliably find one or two new posts from you every day, each of which so far I've loved. And, seeing the comments of fellow supporters, I'm willing to think that they're of a pretty similar mind. Be good to yourself, okay? I know just saying "don't be anxious" doesn't help and doesn't work (trust me, as someone with anxiety disorder, *I wish* it was that easy...), but if it helps in even the slightest little bit, I have faith that you will only continue to improve. And whatever happens, I'll still look forward to seeing more Apogee--she is *lovely,* and I don't think I could ever be disappointed in seeing more artwork of her. You've got this! And for whatever it's worth, I believe in you. I believe that you're already *very* good at art, and I also believe that you're only going to get better from here--and I look forward to seeing all the pictures you choose to show us along the way :D


Oh man! It's exactly the same thing for me. I joined here very recently. If not for cute Apogee I wouldn't be here. Also also there is no such thing as "too much" for this adorable dog! Also Tiny, do not be discouraged, if not for you I or even WE wouldn't be here. If you need some rest, then we'll wait patiently. Much love!


Dude, your art is amazing! I really do love the way you drew my Haze with Leafeon. Hell, I love your style so much, I plan to comm you again after the first comm we discussed. I have literally saved everything you posted here and scoured every part of the internet I knew of to see if I could find anything I haven't seen yet.