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Nothing can be better that spending all day in bed with someone you trust and love and have very good physical and mental connection
the one thing i miss really bad...

the fact that i wanted to do an animation with that would've literally taken month holy shit... im trash

thats actually one of the thing i really need to say because that will answers why i dont do big projects
i think i live in a constant stare of burn out - no joy and passion and when i can a spark of it it immediately dies in like hours basically
at this point its basically just anxiety based on producing content - im constantly stressed that im not doing enough without having energy to do more... (apparently im a complete trash person and like 90% of people find me annoying irl which explains a lot of things actually...)
because it directly affects my ability to draw you must know this as you pay me money (voluntarily but still)
i hope thats explains why i dont like doing big projects (also struggle to do separate things - i feel comfortable only working on one thing)
sorry for for being slow as always...




Listen, this might sound harsh or whatever but I feel it needs to be said. Literally every post you do you call yourself slow, or say you can't relax, or basically state that you hate some parts of your life, and that you're worried that people will leave if you don't post constantly. And every post your comment section is _filled_ with people who are incredibly supportive of you, telling you to take that break you clearly need and trying to prove to you that you, in fact, are the opposite of slow. But you refuse to listen to literally every single voice of support. Or maybe you don't even read them because you fear that everyone is reinforcing what you keep telling yourself, I don't know. _That_ is what could make me leave. You not taking care of yourself and acting like you don't have a choice when you clearly _could_ fix it by just letting yourself take a break that you clearly need instead of whining about it every day. I'm a bit worried for you, but you need to understand that literally everyone here benefits from you taking care of your mental health.


i do read everything but reality also doesnt care and reality is (however you like it or not) that im mediocre artist and based on that i need to work harder to make it efficient same as with how i live - its just how it is im sorry about that


I feel it mate, I miss those feelings of connection too.


those dogs are so beautiful! <3