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Sometimes I lose perspective of my skill set. I think it's something a lot of artists struggle with: only seeing their work through the eyes of critique instead of the eyes of a viewer. I know I tend to see only the flaws. Things I could have done better. Should have done better. The only time I can see my art through the eyes most viewers have is IMMEDIATELY upon calling it "done" and when I haven't looked at it in MONTHS. Like I have to forget and come back not just with fresh eyes, but like a blind man. Like I have to forget I drew something for me to get out of critique mode. I'm very hard on myself, and I push myself to be really really fucking good. Which is why sketches like these are important.

They serve no purpose other than to draw things. In this case, a cute busty girl, cuz that's always fun. Maybe she's a librarian. Maybe she's a teacher. Historian maybe. Anyway. By just DRAWING for the sake of drawing things, it helps wake up and unlock my actual ability. I'm not rushing to meet a deadline. I'm not trying for good enough. I'm just drawing.

It feels good.

She's SO cute.



Dizzikat (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-04 08:53:17 I absolutely LOVE seeing these kinds of drawings/sketches. Especially the bottom right where she's looking up coyly/cutely. Please more of this! <3
2019-04-21 01:31:40 I absolutely LOVE seeing these kinds of drawings/sketches. Especially the bottom right where she's looking up coyly/cutely. Please more of this! <3

I absolutely LOVE seeing these kinds of drawings/sketches. Especially the bottom right where she's looking up coyly/cutely. Please more of this! <3