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The last week was spent redoing my office. New paint. New furniture. New… pretty much everything, and it pretty much took all week. I’ve only just gotten it back to a functional condition, and I can’t wait to start drawing in it again.

It’s a wild transformation from before…

To after…

There’s still a bunch left to do, mostly smaller stuff: hang art, figure out the lighting situation, where do my knickknacks live? That sort of thing. But it’s so much more useable as a space and feels so perfectly put together. Plus I actually have desk space again! Which is awesome.

I’ll do a more thorough tour of the space once it’s totally complete, if folks are interested in that. But in the meantime… I’ve got comics I need to, and a pinup that needs finishing!


Stephanie Skanes

As someone who loves organizing, this is amazing. 🤩


Thank you! It’s so much more restful now. Less clutter means less distractions and brain noise for me.

Stone Quillian III

DAng, that is badass. Love the organizing and look.