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Hello, it is I!

Today, I want to talk about the hurdles that come with working on multiple projects simultaneously.

I frequently get asked the question - "How do you manage to complete all the tasks on time?", "Do you even sleep?", and "Is it even possible?".

While it may seem like a great idea to take on multiple projects to maximize productivity, it can be quite challenging to manage and execute them effectively.

The biggest hurdle that I typically encounter is time management. Each project has its own timeline and deadline, and it is crucial to ensure that all projects are completed within the given timeline. Without proper time management, it is easy to fall behind on deadlines.

Juggling a lot of projects can lead to a lack of focus. It is essential to maintain focus and attention on each project to ensure that it is completed to the best of one's abilities. 

Lastly, burnout and lack of motivation can be a real challenge when working on multiple projects. Taking on too much work can lead to exhaustion and a decrease in productivity. It is essential to take breaks and prioritize self-care to avoid burnout.

Here are some vital points that I strive to follow to avoid distracting my focus and keep my body and mind healthy during these moments: 

  1. Prioritize sleep: I make sure to get enough sleep each night to avoid exhaustion and burnout. I typically aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
  2. Take breaks: It is essential to take regular breaks throughout the day to recharge your mind and body. To do this I practice Yoga for 30 mins daily + 30 mins pilates to stretch my body and keep it awake.
  3. Exercise: Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Incorporate some physical activity into your daily routine. I usually do low-impact cardio for 30 minutes.
  4. Eat well: Eating a healthy and balanced diet is important for both physical and mental health. Avoid relying on junk food and instead opt for nutrient-dense meals that will provide sustained energy throughout the day. I forbid myself from drinking carbonated drinks, eating chips, and sugary meals. This keeps both my body and my problematic skin fresh as a cucumber. 
  5. Prioritize self-care: Although it is still hard for me I try to make sure to set aside time for activities that I enjoy, such as reading a book, watching a movie, playing a game, or spending time with loved ones. Taking care of yourself mentally and emotionally is just as important as taking care of yourself physically.

Last but not least - I make lists. Like LOTS of "To-do" lists. This prevents me from forgetting certain activities, slacking more than necessary, and gives me a sense of accomplishment once I cross the task as "completed".

Although I do not have that much free time to be a normal social human being, I quite enjoy the schedule that I have created for myself.

Do you have a to-do list? How do you manage your day and activities?

Let me know.





I noticed the example menu lists in the background of the photos of your last post, so I knew I can expect to see such focus and systematic approach in other aspects of your life. Yet it was unexpected to find you talk about it in another post so early after my conclusion xD Planning: - I'm using Google Keep for different lists of everyday tasks - Azure DevOps projects for planning side projects (Trello for smaller ones) - reMarkable paper tablet for sketches, notes Exercise: Since I am mostly working on PC/Laptop, I have one strict rule - a minimum amount of movement - 5-10mins every hour, at least 1 hour at my lunch break - walking outside or on my cross trainer at home, 1 hour after I finish work. All other excercises are whenever I have time and feel like doing them. A huge advantage of walking is that I can meanwhile listen to audio books (StoryTel) or podcasts.


That's awesome! I am not familiar with the planning software you use, but it sounds like a nice system that works well for you! Not gonna lie, I am a bit jealous of the walking part, as I usually spend the whole day at home. I sometimes miss the outdoors. 🙏🏻🙏🏻