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Hello there!

Today, I want to share something that has been on my mind for a while now. I am opening my own company! It's a long-desired dream that I've been postponing for a long time. Perhaps it's because I am afraid of the unknown, or I am comfortable with my current situation, or I simply don't know where to start.

I know that it won't be easy - starting a company is stressful and testing on both finances and relationships - but the rewards can be immense.

I am prepared to invest even more of my time, money, and energy into this venture, as it has been growing rapidly over the past year. What has been heavy on my heart is the current inflation and the economic situation. When it comes to cosplay -I know the money struggle. I have walked on this path since I was a kid, and I want to keep the products at an affordable price. However, opening a company will require a price increase for most of the products we offer, and I just can't help but feel bad about this. 

I have talked with my accounting and legal team - they are working on the papers as we speak. So, I guess I will be a CEO soon.

Starting a company will be a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows, and I know I will face setbacks and failures along the way. It is important to remember that these challenges are all part of the process and that they can help me grow and learn as a business owner. 

I still want to believe in this dream and its success, and I will work even harder than before to make it come true.

Have you ever had similar dreams that are hard to accomplish? How did you cope with the emotions you experienced during the process?





If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough. Good luck! :3