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Here to share some holiday thoughts.

Did you know that I do not like family holidays and gatherings? There is always something off about them and I do not feel ..festive during this time of the year.

It is perhaps, that I rarely spend them with my own parents or just the financial strain of numerous presents. Or maybe it is the play pretend that gets me emotionally drained.

Either way, even though it sucks, for the most part, I value the time I get to spend with everyone. This is why I always spend a lot of time on presents and trying to make people excited and happy with them. I do find it difficult to pick the perfect one for each person, however, I like to think that it is the thought that matters (more than the actual object). This is why I like gift-wrapping and making the package as special as I can.

I have already sent a parcel to my parents and I cannot deny that it was one hell of a ride. I am eager to know if they found the items useful and if they are to their liking.

Somehow, I always have a weird experience when I need to send a package, no matter the destination.

Do you love spending time with (your) family during the festive season? Are you ready with the gifts?

I am curious to see if this is just a me-issue.




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