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Hello guys!

Guess what just came in the mailbox? New frames! YAS!

So we stocked 50 new frames for the paintings that I am making.

With this batch, we will have ~ 70 products in stock for our clients! It still blows my mind that I am able to produce this quantity in such a short period of time.

I forgot to share with you that my parents are visiting again.

They are here for another couple of days and have been the reason for my inconsistent posts. We had to sort out some documentation and some medical stuff. We had to manage the most necessary tasks in 2 weeks because they will not be traveling to Bulgaria again soon.

There are some leftover things that were too complicated to accomplish by this deadline, however, they are not that important and can wait a bit longer.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to celebrate the holidays with them and I am using the time we have now to compensate for it.

Are you excited about the holiday season?




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