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I know I have been silent for a while.
I got sick on my birthday, and I got better a few days ago. I did not expect the flu to stay for such a long time.

This is why I am a little behind with the reward for last month, but I will make sure to upload the drive by the rest of the week.

I have already sent you the drive for Halloween!
Please, check it if you haven't done so yet. For the peeps that have registered with a mail different from Gmail, please check the invitation link. If you still have any problems accessing the drive, please, message me.

There's also some big news!

I started a new job! My first day was yesterday! I am super excited even though the job is not something huge and is just an entry-level.

This said you might start getting notifications in the evening. I usually shared posts between 11-13.00h. Now you should probably expect updates ~ 19-22.00h.

There will be another poll for the character selection for December!
I will explain why in the next update! <3




Sorry to hear you got ill, make sure to take all necessary steps to ensure you're healthy! Also, congrats on the new job, that's so exciting, entry-level or not, if it's in a field that you find interesting, then it's worth it! :)