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October always brings me a set of mixed emotions. It is that time of the year when the weather is usually cold, gloomy and you realize that the end of the year is pretty near.

It's partly because of my birthday too. I rarely celebrate my birthday. It's been at least 10 years since I had a proper Bday party. As I grew older I got less and less excited to celebrate. At some point, I couldn't even see it as a positive event, which needs to be celebrated. But I am not going to stroll down that dark path today!

I am here to announce that on the 19th (my Bday), I will share with you another extra drive. It will be a secret for now. This is my gift to all of you, thank you for being here and supporting me!

Here are a few selfies to cheer you up!👻💀🦴





Aww, that's so sweet of you :P You should celebrate, it's definitely a happy occasion! It's up to individual preferences but even a piece of cake and a fav. anime would be appropriate! <3