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I know I have not posted for a while. My mental state has not been the best these past 2 weeks. A lot of my friends are currently with covid, and a few of my acquaintances have passed away. My uncle is no longer with us too.

I am getting better - playing games, working on costumes, distracting myself the best I can. At times, I can still feel the big sadness getting to me.

I sincerely apologize for being distant and silent.

There is also a problem with my Eve costume. I purchased it in January, and they told me they will send it right after the Chinese New Year ends. Then they messaged me that the costume is out of stock, and they will work hard to produce more. The promised date was "Shipped at the end of March" with fast shipping.  Well, it was not shipped by the end of March, as I got an email today with the tracking number.

The good thing is that the costume will eventually arrive. The wig is here too.
The bad thing is that I cannot promise that it will happen this month.

That being said, I can offer a few alternatives for this month's character reward. I will create a new poll so you can choose your favorite option.

If the costume magically arrives by the end of the month, we can perhaps have a double reward for April? 

xoxo 🐱‍👤💕🐾



I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope that you can find the much needed distraction in cosplaying as well as other side activities. Sometimes, real life happens and it's very okay to step back and take some time for yourself. <3