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Unfortunately, I am running out of space at home. I might find some space to store a few costumes more but it won't be for much longer.

It is time to let them go! Old ones, the ones that I can't get into, the beyond-repair ones, will be out first. Some of them will be up for sale. The rest will be recycled.

Here's a list of them.

Beyond help:
* Maiev Shadowsong / WoW
* Invoker / Dota 2
* Featherswing Windranger / Dota 2
* Rubick / Dota 2
* Ubume / Onmyoji

These will be put for sale since they have some life left in them:
° Hakurei Reimu / Touhou
° Ling Xiaoyu / Tekken
° Ika musume / Shinryaku! Ika musume
° Hazuki Luna / Tsukuyomi moon phase
° Princess Vivi / One piece - sold
° Chacha-Sama / Nioh (the costume I represented Bulgaria with at WCS 2019)

If you are interested in any of them as a reward in Patreon, please comment below, before we say our final goodbyes with them!

xoxo 🐱‍👤🐾💕


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