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Welp, hello again. Looks like I waste the whole month without any updates, right? 

I'm sorry for that, I went in some kind of creative impotence for that month, not even kinky/horny at all lol. All bad things took their places together, like lazyness, depression and ofc good game releases took me from my workflow. So yeah, need to get back to my work, It was scary to open Patreon to be honest so as not to see how many people I disappointed with my inaction in terms of the number of unsubscribes.

All current requests are in my queue, I don't miss anything of what we discussed with requesters. So please if you have anything new for this month, drop me a message with a new stuff, I'll put it in my queue too. 

I'll start my derusting wtih a winner of our first raffle, I promised to do a work of requester in the form of a Fairy Tail characters sequence, I'll put it up in the next post.


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