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Got requested with this one.


George was excited to attend the anime convention. He had been waiting for this event for months and had planned everything down to the last detail. As he walked around the convention hall, admiring the various cosplays, he noticed a Nico Robin cosplayer walking towards him. He couldn't help but stare at her as she approached him. She had nailed the costume perfectly, from the intricate tattoos on her arms to the way she carried herself.

"Excuse me," the cosplayer said, "I couldn't help but notice you were admiring my cosplay. I was wondering if you could help me with something."

George's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe his luck. This gorgeous girl was talking to him, and she wanted his help. "Sure," he said, trying to act cool. "What do you need help with?"

"I'm trying to find someone to do a pair cosplay with me," she explained. "I was wondering if you could dress up as one of the One Piece characters to match my Nico Robin cosplay?"

George agreed, thinking she meant Zoro, Luffy, or even Law from the One Piece series. "I'd love to," he said, a grin spreading across his face.

The Nico cosplayer led George to a nearby cosplay autocloset and wished him good luck by closing the door behind him. As soon as the booth door closed, George was hit with a wave of panic. He had no idea what was happening to him, and he felt trapped. Suddenly, he heard the automated voice of the booth announcing that the chosen character was Nami. His heart sank. This was not what he signed up for. He tried to open the booth door from the inside, but it was too late. The process of transformation into Nami had already begun.

Roboclaws appeared from the walls of the booth and grabbed George, ripping off his clothes in the process. He tried to resist, but it was no use. The roboclaws sprayed a gas onto George that eliminated all of his body hair and made his skin smooth. It was a strange feeling, but also oddly satisfying. The powerful press then hugged George's body and began to resharp him into a beautiful feminine figure, molding his curves to match Nami's. Along with this, an iron plate with the shape of Nami's face was pressed into George's face. It was a strange sensation, but he couldn't deny that it felt oddly natural. A huge hair-dryer-like mechanism was placed on George's head, transforming his short brown hair into Nami's long, flowing orange locks. The transformation was so thorough that even his eyes changed color to match Nami's deep brown eyes. As soon as the metal press peeled away from the newly sculpted superb body, the new roboclaws started dressing George in the classic Nami outfit. They slipped a striped green bra over his newly formed breasts and dressed him in light blue jeans. Finally, they handed him a pair of orange high-heeled gladiator sandals, completing the transformation.

After all the work, a very confused George stood in the center of the hall, touching his new body, which had become a pure copy of Nami. He couldn't help but marvel at how perfectly the booth had transformed him. Despite his fear and uncertainty, he felt a strange sense of excitement. But suddenly, a multitude of monitors around him turned on, playing hypnotic spirals accompanied by subliminal messages that George was now Nami. With little resistance, George accepted his training, and his mind was completely reprogrammed into Nami. His memories of his old life faded away, and she now believed that she had always been Nami.

As the doors to the autocloset opened, a cheerful Nico met her friend Nami. They spent a wonderful day at the anime convention, taking pictures with other cosplayers and admiring the artwork on display. Nami was happy to be with her friend and grateful for the transformation that had brought them together. She knew that she was meant to be Nami, and she couldn't imagine being anyone else.



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