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That imminent REXPaint release I talked about last time came out this week. It was nice to get that out there for all the users, but it also reminded me of all the cool features I still want to build for it one day... I've had this idea that it could be an even cooler roguelike scene creator with built-in FOV and area lighting functionality, layer blending, and layer masking for obstruction and so on. One day...

(Heck, add a few more steps and you've got an actual roguelike creation platform? Now that's crazy talk xD)

Anyway, back to reality, this week we also got that new wiki front page I was planning on putting together since MediaWiki was having issues (in hindsight it was not a great choice, just something that seemed to make sense at the time since it was what most of the majors use).

We also have the third part in the UI upscaling series (password "swapterm"), this time looking at the part of that project prep that gave me a quick scare when I wasn't sure how to deal with the endings if we shrink the terminal. Cue unexpected technical solution that actually works!


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