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After a day and a half of coding and testing, the Special Commands console is finished! I was originally thinking the implementation could take less than a day, but I guess it shouldn't be too surprising that a new interface which hooks into numerous other actions and UI features would take longer on the debugging and polishing side of things.

The good thing is that this is purely an interface, so there wasn't much work to do regarding fundamental architecture--just hook up existing methods and go, right? But the glue could be problematic at times, especially when there are all sorts of input domain considerations going on in the background, and mouse and keyboard etc etc...

So the working idea over the years was that one day we'd finally get rid of the need to remember (and actually enter xD) all these funky Shift-Alt commands, and as you'll see this new interface solves a lot of issues all in one go. 

All you need to do is press Spacebar and a new menu pops up with a range of options originally only covered by Shift-Alt-modified keys (Shift-Alt is still an option all the same, without using this menu--that's not changing), and the menu allows both mouse access or hitting the corresponding key to enter a given "special command" (basically a blanket term for less commonly used UI features).


  • Allows mouse access to special commands
  • Players aren't forced to use Shift-Alt for these commands (especially on non-Windows systems, where the use of Alt can be problematic), where Spacebar+[letter] will do
  • Feature discovery is greatly improved, since all relevant options are listed following a single keypress
  • Having an explicit menu visualized in the interface also offers an easy way to describe what each feature does

The menu appearance is animated in standard Cogmind style, but input is accepted as soon as Spacebar is pressed to keep it responsive for people who simply want to use this as an alternative way to enter keyboard commands they already know, for example Spacebar+s to dump stats, without the window annoyingly popping up in between the keys. In fact, for this purpose the window even has a slight 150-millisecond delay after pressing Spacebar before it appears, a delay that isn't really noticeable for someone using the mouse, but plenty of time to enter a second key.

I waited some years to implement this console, mainly because I needed to wait until we had a more or less full slate of commands to design it for, features that wouldn't likely change or expand in a way that might cause me to rethink the UI design here. Beta 11 is that time (several of these were just added as of this version!). I'm glad it's finally here :D

UI Mockups

Before actual implementation, as always I used REXPaint to design the general layout of this menu based on its intended functionality, and to inform later UI coding work. I streamed the process earlier this week (see my first UI dev stream, also covering REXPaint and a glance at other past designs).

It's not exactly the most exciting piece of UI design, especially since for consistency sake it mostly draws on existing simple elements from prior window designs, though I'll cover some of the design evolution here.

The first iteration above aimed at simply getting all the likely elements into a box and work from there, so it uses a pretty typical title and border style (the missing notch in the bottom-right is for a potential close button, which in Cogmind uses a different double-width character so can't be shown in this same REXPaint file), shows the full list of commands we'll be including (11 in all), and includes two separate sections of gray text, one to point out that the commands can also be entered directly via Shift-Alt, and another to provide a description for each button/feature as the mouse hovers over it. As this is a mockup, the gray text is not actually written out in its final form (or even to make sense :P), just copied from elsewhere as I was moving things around to get an idea of layout. Real content comes later.

Having a vertical list of options is generally ideal as far as menus go (especially alphabetically-listed options), but the problem here is that, at least all other things equal, a tall-style window ends up limiting the amount of horizontal space available for command descriptions unless they potentially span numerous lines, which doesn't make for good reading.

Something wider would be preferred, so let's split the options into two columns...

Unequal column length aside, this will generally look a bit better insofar as giving us more horizontal space for descriptions. Also here I split up the two gray text areas by straddling the options, since keeping them apart seems to make sense given they have different purposes, one changing and one unchanging.

Altogether it was looking better, but I didn't really like the unequal amount of space afforded to the option rows, and decided to equalize that:

In this layout the UI looks less lopsided, which while not a necessity (either could work), I preferred this aesthetic, plus we even get a little extra room for the additional text.

Final Layout

Now there's no way I'm doing my best work while streaming, certainly not alongside an unavoidable loss of focus due to chatting and whatnot, and streaming or not I tend to sit on things like this for a bit after an initial pass and revisit them for refinement anyway. Sure enough, later that afternoon after some hours away from it I took another look at this UI and immediately had a new take on it...

What started it was that I didn't really like the idea of this being a relatively small floaty window out over the large map view. We don't really have those in Cogmind--windows are usually either large or connected to some other associated object or UI element, but in this case it's a general-purpose feature menu so doesn't have a natural place in the interface to associate with.

I thought it'd be better to try to redesign it with an eye towards having it occupy more space, and in that vein came up with an aesthetic pretty different from what we had going before, but very much in line with other pieces of the UI which offer functionality not entirely unlike this one: Cogmind's options menu and commands reference pages!

The above mockup assumes that the window appears over the map and extends out to either side of it in both directions. The button style already matched the options menu (as does the help text), and now the header and border does as well.

Other improvements:

  • Some of the commands have been renamed, ideally so that their first letter matches the associated key.
  • We actually only need one section of gray text, rather than two, because all we only need the descriptions available specifically when the mouse is hovering over one, otherwise it can show the "default" message about Shift-Alt access.
  • The extra width allows for even longer descriptions without newlines, where instead each description will be written to keep it within the length seen in the mockup above (too long is also bad). This also allows the window layout to be more consistent since we don't need room for potential additional lines.

Here is the final implementation in action:

Notice how the special commands menu is not vertically centered on the map. This is to leave some environmental context around Cogmind while it is open, for reference. Not exactly a very important feature, but there's room so why not ;)


During the polish phase a few automations were added for convenience when it comes to mode switching and feature toggling. For example, Spacebar will automatically deactivate an active map ruler overlay since this will generally save time, particularly for mouse users who otherwise have to open the menu and click on the button again to toggle it off, and there's seemingly no real reason one would need to keep the ruler on and then also access a second special command at the same time (if it's absolutely necessary for some weird reason, Shift-Alt-x is technically still there...).

There are a few Shift-Alt commands not found in the menu, all three of which probably almost no one ever uses anyway, but they also require holding the key to take effect, so probably aren't all that compatible with this menu approach anyway.

As for mouse access to the menu itself, I considered enabling that via middle mouse button, but that already has a somewhat more important use (plus again special commands aren't that commonly needed...). Spacebar is also big and relatively easy to hit in these cases. I also considered having a clickable button on the main UI that could be used to open this interface for even better discoverability, and completely not needing the keyboard at all, but don't really want to go that far just yet--it's probably not all that needed compared to the extra clutter it would add for such low-use features.

The next prerelease, coming soon, includes this feature...


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