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X9 is not "done." At least not as done as I planned for it to be on release, but released it is, as of now.

I was reminded the holidays are here and some people would like to enjoy the gift that keeps on killing you, so with at least having finished a majority of X9, this did seem like a good opportunity to put out what I've completed so far. Consider it an chance to explore the already large number of changes and see what you think about them, maybe providing some feedback as I finish up the rest.

Just a couple days ago I gave a progress update  (not realizing at the time a release would come soon after), and yet more has happened since then, but the broad strokes I would normally mention here have already been discussed as far as I'd like to, mainly for spoiler reasons, and also to allow you to discover things on your own.

Again that's the Exiles item rework, a rework of some alien artifacts, and after that I started plowing through my list of other topical issues to address, ending with the removal of a bunch of unused utilities, and the introduction of <half_stack>.

Seven different types of utilities that were previously blocked from stacking will now give half the bonus of the second-best one you have attached, which should open up new build opportunities (but hopefully not cheese? :P):

  • Target Analyzer
  • Core Analyzer
  • Particle Charger
  • Actuator Array
  • Cloaking Devices
  • Matter and Energy Filters

Overloadable weapons might be more desirable for certain play styles since I also removed the meltdown side effect, meaning you won't permanently lose anything from overloading (though you might want to bring a calibrator!). (The exception to "no permanent loss" would be those things which aren't repairable, but that's a smaller set of parts.) Will be interesting to see how this change affects whether/when people are willing to overload their thermals.


Here's the differences coming from X8:

  • NEW: 2 more alien artifacts
  • NEW: 1 new unauthorized hack
  • NEW: 1 new lore entry
  • NEW: <half_stack> item tag allows second best part of matching effect to contribute half of its value (applied across seven different utility effects)
  • NEW: Contextual tutorial message regarding <half_stack> mechanic, also added to effect tag description list in manual
  • NEW: Researchers carry random Schematic Archives
  • NEW: Exiles give second warning about accessing Research branches with FarCom on entering Research
  • NEW: FPS counter also shows at top of HUD when active
  • NEW: Option to require confirmation before moving while located outside map view (advanced.cfg: warnOnMoveOutsideMapView)
  • MOD: Combat AIs now prefer to avoid dangerous terrain in more cases
  • MOD: Reinforcements sent due to movement-based detection via Heavy sensors now dispatched immediately rather than delaying them
  • MOD: Fabricator loaded schematic cleared once the build completes
  • MOD: New Trojan no longer has an effect bots with non-combat AI
  • MOD: Storage no longer contains a Heavy
  • MOD: Exp. Target Analyzers removed from major NPCs
  • MOD: Sheargun crit chances increased
  • MOD: Energy/dissipation artifacts reworked
  • MOD: Multiple Exiles items rebalanced with new mechanics
  • MOD: 8R-AWN's armor increased in size
  • MOD: Integrity Redistributor exchange ratio reduced
  • MOD: Removed meltdown side effect of weapon overloading; strengthened heat surges, weakened energy bleeds
  • MOD: Removed all Overload Amplifiers and Overload Regulators
  • MOD: Increased Metafield Generator upkeep
  • MOD: Reworked stats of several rating 6~7 power sources
  • MOD: Fusion Compressors rebalanced
  • MOD: Reduced Armor Integrity Analyzer to three tiers
  • MOD: Removed all Heat Shieldings
  • MOD: Removed all Reclamation Units
  • MOD: Removed all Thermal Converters
  • MOD: Derelict Mutant loadout Thermal Converters replaced with Weapon Cyclers
  • MOD: Modified Complex 0b10 response to Reprogram hack
  • MOD: DSF Access no longer restricted from being near map entrance
  • MOD: Heavy class sensor reinforcements no longer called on known targets
  • MOD: Sever critical effect on core hit now weighs severed part choice by coverage rather than raw size
  • MOD: Raised comment marker render priority to appear over most other map objects, including intel
  • MOD: scoresheetJson advanced.cfg option renamed to jsonScoresheet
  • MOD: statDumpJson advanced.cfg option renamed to jsonStatDump
  • FIX: Scoresheet "High Alert Combat Kills" no longer awarded in maps where alert levels reported as 0 [R-26 Lightspeed]
  • FIX: Destroyed 0b10 cave outposts could contain broken but active Storage Shells [R-26 Lightspeed]
  • FIX: Some Derelict dialogues might inappropriately trigger after being assimilated by Programmers, especially in caves [R-26 Lightspeed]
  • FIX: Some room-based prefabs could very rarely be disconnected from main corridors [R-26 Lightspeed]
  • FIX: Black rectangle could appear at top left of map for a single frame while labeling an exit [R-26 Lightspeed]
  • FIX: Gallery item tile/ASCII color affected by knowledge loss in current run in progress [R-26 Lightspeed]
  • FIX: Scoresheet history message for a spoiler Data Miner-related mechanic was incorrect [R-26 Lightspeed]
  • FIX: A particular extended-game NPC might in rare circumstances speak when attacked after deactivation [MTF]
  • FIX: Repeated machine-locating non-RIF robot hacks could add intel for same machine multiple times [nmz]
  • FIX: Repeated loading and saving of game could cause save file to grow increasingly large and lag the game (new DSF-related issue)
  • FIX: Schematic archivist in Zion always had the same special schematic (Dissector)
  • FIX: Sentries stopped responding to corruption-induced IFF bursts in previous version
  • FIX: Fabricator instant trace and lockout occurred even on a failed Build hack
  • FIX: RIF influence reporting should not have been visible in A0

There are still more item changes to come before X9 is truly complete, specifically looking at some weapon stats, parsing the full list of utilities to look for other areas to adjust, and changing the names of some parts. I'll be working on these over the next week or two.

Note: There might be a little something I left out of the changelog. Happy holidays \o/

Get Beta 11 X9

On Steam, Beta 11 X9 is located on the new beta branch "beta_11_x9" accessible with the code "SaulerNation", or if you don't have Steam and bought through FastSpring and would like to try the DRM-free version, send me an email at gridsagegames@gmail.com to be added to the Beta 11 cycle notification list. (Anyone already on the list will receive an email with a new link.)

Saves are not compatible with previous releases.

There's always the chance of another one or two small updates in the near term (for example if something goes wrong), which will be otherwise unannounced except to append a notice to this announcement on Patreon, and via an announcement on the #patron Discord channel. It's not uncommon due to the experimental nature of these releases, and if saves are compatible then the same branch is simply updated, otherwise a new branch is created and announced here.


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