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Hm, only just earlier today finished sharing info about several of the new map overlays, and here they are in a new build! Had to have it ready for that stream tomorrow ;)


The full changelog included within has been updated as usual, but here's a list of the changes since the last prerelease:

  • NEW: Added FOV overlays mode to view FOV of all hostiles, or for individual bot under cursor (toggle via Shift-Alt-v)
  • NEW: Added ruler overlay mode for quickly measuring ranges from any position to any other position (toggle via Shift-Alt-x)
  • NEW: Volley visualization ('v') now also highlights visible destructible terrain in Tactical HUD mode (see manual under Advanced UI > Volley Window)
  • NEW: Ctrl-v during text entry pastes text from system clipboard (player name, world seed option, manual hacking, etc.)
  • NEW: Added "Text Input" section to command list in manual
  • MOD: Actually changed Cogmind's base inventory capacity this time
  • MOD: Wheel overweight penalties increased
  • MOD: Doubled microwarp damage rate and removed damage-free threshold
  • MOD: FarCom detection range reduced from 20 to 18
  • MOD: Terminal-based tracking range reduced
  • MOD: Containment Facilitator reduced to a single slot
  • MOD: Increased rating of most Signal Interpreters, Terrain Scanners, Optical Arrays, and some Terrain Scan Processors
  • MOD: Coolant Injectors degrade twice as fast
  • MOD: Mid/high-tier Shielding utility integrity reduced
  • MOD: Armor Integrity Analyzer success rates reduced
  • MOD: Damper Plating size increased 
  • MOD: Increased shot count for most vortex weapons
  • MOD: Mni. Smartbomb Launcher weakened
  • MOD: Salvage Targeting Computers incompatible with multiprojectile guns
  • MOD: Missed shots far less likely to accidentally hit an intended target due to random luck
  • MOD: Part swap actions automatically exit targeting mode if active

Note that this is actually what's changed since the third X1 release. There were several of them within a week, with subsequent ones being announced on the Discord channel and their information appended to the original announcement, so check that out if you want to see what else has been happening on the experimental end of things.

As then, if there more save-compatible updates to this version in the near term, information about them will be appended to the end of this post.

This release is mostly QoL + nerfs, though you'll find a few other things mixed in there. And again don't worry, we'll get to the cool stuff later, but first and foremost comes a lot of rebalancing!

For a different need last week I finally spent an afternoon integrating system clipboard support with my engine, so included that functionality in Cogmind as well, allowing you to paste text into text input fields with ctrl-v, meaning you can now copy in seed names, for example :D

Get Beta 11 X2

On Steam, Beta 11 X2 is currently located on the beta branch "beta_11_x2" accessible with the code "TooManyOverlays", or if you don't have Steam and would like to try the DRM-free version, send me an email at gridsagegames@gmail.com to be added to the Beta 11 cycle notification list. (Anyone already on the list will receive an email with a new link.)

Although saves were likely compatible with previous versions (unless you're currently in possession of Damper Plating), I decided to up the save file version just in case. So you might want to finish any run in progress before updating.


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