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Beta 9 X3 is here, likely the last prerelease update for a while as I start work on the new leaderboards and online database.

Some highlights of X3:

  • Patron-voted manual hacking updates, as described in this post
  • Somewhat nerfed RIF autohacks and Crosswire ability
  • Better formatting in some scoresheet sections

X3 saves are not compatible with previous releases, so consider first finishing up any in-progress run.  

On Steam, Beta 9 X3 is located on the new beta branch "ContinueWizarding," or if you don't have Steam and need the DRM-free version, send me an email at gridsagegames@gmail.com (I've proactively emailed the link to those who've already signed up).

For Steam players, remember that if you switch to the new branch to play, and then later switch back to an old/main branch to play again, you may lose some newer Beta 9 meta data that doesn't apply in an older version.

Note for Wizards: A wizard mode update is coming this week, with new features and a new key.



I don't even know what Crosswire was supposed to do, and you say it's nerfed already :)


Hehe, yes nothing to see here, move along, please! I had forgotten that hack when writing the original blog post--it's actually the "best" one.


Not sure where to leave this comment so I'll leave it on X3 since that's the run I'm playing (about to lose): Did a Zion run through Extension to Hub to pick up weapon casings from all the terminals in Extension and then EMDS from Hub. The Zio. Biocells made it feasible to keep EMDS powered up until A0 but I don't know how I would've done it without. (Had 2 reactors, maybe with 3 plus Exp. Power Amplifier it would've been enough). Q and S7 were duds: didn't find any integrated heat or especially power in the whole game, which is I think what would've made EM possible in A0 (with a force field which seems to be essential to survive long enough). Maybe clever Matter Drive use could've. Perhaps it's just luck of the draw and I had fun riding the edge of the alert curve sniping enemies through walls - not sure what A0 builds remain viable besides heavy combat (ideally potential cannon, I can see how it would be perfect there if I had found it; or Firepult based on MTF's stream) and strong melee. Or if I had good terrain scanning in A0. Melee in particular seems to solve a lot of energy, heat and mass issues involved with combat at that point, in exchange for the relatively small (if you're moving fast) sacrifice of giving up range. Just my thoughts, not sure how I feel about the nerf but I'm offering my experience. :) With a different S7 this probably would've been a different story.


Ah so by "the nerf" you're referring to the EM cost changes? (You didn't say this explicitly so just making sure, since I've been nerfing a lot of stuff :P) So far it seems to have come out pretty well, I think (based on anecdotes but having only had limited experience myself), thanks for the input we'll see what more people think, since at this point it'll most definitely be in the public version, unlike the crit buff xD