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Dont listen to them buddy, take all the time and all the rest you need. We we always be there for whenever you are ready. And honestly if it never comes to pass? Thats honestly ok. Your healths and satisfaction with your own work is the most important


Take care of yourself is the main priority we can wait for you. As a man who working on making art getting burn out by words and tiredness is sure the worst and it not worth at all because not only you getting sick your work also will getting low on quality so take your time take a rest until you get better all of us can waiting for you! You are our friends! We are your friends! (If you count us as your friends lol) I give you a tips: Lower the time you spent on the social media and go do what you love will sure help you a lot. Also I recommend you trying some jasmine tea it good! (I more prefer coffee tho lol) over all take care of yourself dont mind about things like that stop using social media for a while and everything will getting better.


As a crazy who i am, i can wait for you all the time u need, Take care of yourself because u are your priority #1 we keep supporting u, A big hug from Mexico