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Hello everyone who follows me around here, I am going to tell you my sad case, yesterday while I was working I began to feel an acceleration in my breathing and I was drowning, I did not know what to do ... the temperature rose throughout my body  and I felt that I was going to die ... I tried to ask for help but my mind was very agitated that did not allow me to think much ... I began to lose consciousness while I felt a strong tension in the mouth of my stomach that was beginning to weaken me ...  my heart was racing and I didn't know what to do,:, c.  Then I started hitting my stomach with the little force I had in my arms ... and the tension started to go down, then I remembered my meditation classes and started taking deep breaths and asking God to help me, because I am the one  The only one who has a job in my family and who will be theirs if I die ... then I started to recover my strength and relax a little more ... finally the torture stopped and I tried to sleep but I couldn't.  Today I was talking with a psychologist about this case that happened to me, she told me that I had a PANIC ATTACK, due to overwork, worry and little sleep ... there are times in the day when I return to  Feeling like I'm losing my breath, but the psychologist recommends that I continue taking deep breaths, and stop worrying a lot, and change my lifestyle.  That is why I am going to be inactive this month and I will not be able to make the next patreon reward, nor the commissions, the truth makes me very sad ... sorry.  I hope to come back next month, I hope to recover soon, I hope ... I have never felt so afraid, please if you are reading this, please take care of your health ... it is very important.   

When I feel better, I will continue with the special reward of megumin, I hope to continue to have your support, because I have no other job




Dude take ur time you need it


Take as long as you need pal


That’s really unfortunate to hear, man. It is time to for you to take a lengthy time off for you, so you can get your stuff together. Cause I worry for you when you overwork yourself. Please take really good care of yourself, friend! 🙏❤️


Take time to bounce back man, we'll still be here when you're back in the saddle.


Self care is important <3


No problem I know what it's like to have panic attacks. I don't get them anymore and I hope you don't get anymore either and get better.


Take care of yourself! We'll still be here when you're ready!


Take as long as you need my guy you deserve a good rest for all the good stuff you've been posting lately. So take care for now! We'll be waiting for your return.


Stay safe, take it easy much love to you


Thank you very much friend, I will take care of myself more


take all the time you need. you need the rest


No need to hurry yourself. Take the time deserved time off. Hope you get too feeling better. We will still be here.


Take it easy, if you need rest, I will always support you! You are super good at what you do and that will not change. I wish you good luck and success for the future and for the work you do and that I appreciate. Take care of yourself and your health (・ ω <) once again thank you and good continuation ฅ (^ ・ ω ・ ^ ฅ) Thanks again for all the work you do!


If overwork is fucking up your health, take time off. It's cool, bro. It's understandable. Especially if you're gonna fuckin' DIE, man. Take a breather. Chill. Come back rested and refreshed, 🅱. Take longer if you have to, for real. NO one wants to get the message that you died. Take whatever measures you can to keep yourself healthy. Don't worry about it. I promise you it's cool.

Derrick Trylch

Take as much time as you need. No one wants you to be hurting yourself and losing your head.


Hey man you should take your time and make sure to rest. These kind of things are especialy scary in this time of year so make sure to Stay safe


For a second there I can't help but worry thinking that you were being attacked by the coronavirus or something. Glad to know it isn't. Hey if you need to rest up feel free to take as much time as needed. Take good care of yourself all right?

super g

when you mentioned breathing issue i thought of covid.. please rest and get better!!


Don't worry about it. Your health is the best thing. I sincerely hope you feel better soon!

Jacob Anderson

Don't worry, bro. We are all people. Stay strong! Hold on!




Please rest as much as you feel like. Stuff happens in life that we can't prevent and I know you're a hardworker so you deserve a break. Take this moment to enjoy some stuff you've been meaning to get to, your health is far more important than anything else. Get well soon <3


That is fine bro! Take a nice break. Your health is first. Enjoy and relax your body and soul. (My soul is fucked up with the delay of SAO War of Underground 2 🙀)


Hey man don't worry. We will be here for you :)


Don't worry, rest slowly and love yourself

Jacob Anderson

But seriously, friend, I suffered from panic attacks for 2 years. I cured them with antidepressants. Now it is very difficult in the modern world. Stress, aggression, fear, etc. Don’t worry if I could and you can!!! I know how scary it is, but everything will be fine!


Thank you very much, I am already learning to control it, and I also have to relax more


Thank you very much for your words, I am already learning to control it


Take time to relax and keep yourself sound of mind. We'll understand if you need time to recuperate and get well.


To be honest I only subscribed for the Darkness set, which was worth way more than the 10$. I have anxiety too, so I can give you a month on the house, no problem. However, if you do this multiple months in a row I'll probably pull out, no offense but Patreon is a business its not gofundme.


Thanks a lot


I just suscribed and may not know you as well as your other suscrbers, but hey you do you. Your life comes first before anything else. :)


I know what you mean, I might take time to do something that might use my hands up than paying to fap. Times are crazy no doubt, we need to adjust in ways, I have had panic attacks needing meds, it's a difficult line to walk with avoiding addiction and taking as-needed drugs. It's never been good, but falling in a time like this is at least a silver lining to die on your feet and for once feel not like an outsider. Do what you are inclined to.


Thank you very much for your words, I hope to return soon

Nako San

Your health is top priority and quite frankly, just like all of us, you should have the opportunity to reflect and take your time to recover. Prayers to you man