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Combined posts to lessen how many emails are sent out

I don't think people prefer having all of the sketches on one page... For one thing, it makes it harder to search for sketches of specific characters. I'll go back to the regular format next month.




LOVE the shibari, gosh. You do that so well, and Laefa always looks good in bondage. I can't remember offhand at the moment if you ever actually did do two characters shibari'd up together yet. I know I'd suggested Laefa and Kae artistically bound together but I can't recall if anything even similar ended up being done. Either way, more of that is always super appreciated. <3 Also, is that just Kae with a dick, or male!Kae? We saw her use the magic dick potion in some sketches a while back, so I'm assuming the latter?


Aw, I like seeing Lae & Kae together. Great work!


Male kae is <3 love all those sketches! really cute!