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Looks like someone accidentally ran the "sexual wellness and diagnostics" prototype while Kae was alone in the office. At least she's definitely enjoying it...

These are the types of scenarios I picture her imagining when she's feeling frisky. It would be interesting if she had some kind of dream-state that would let her play out her kinks like this, always safe in the end since she sets her own limits!

I was pretty far behind on updates (about 2 excess images behind) so this should catch me up a bit. There's still content for later this month as well as sticker designs! Maybe a chibi of Pepper in that doctor's outfit...Doctor Pepper. I hope this rush of artistic drive sticks with me, I'm praying that it's the result of my dieting and lifestyle changes as opposed to an inconsistent fluke.




Evil Office Chair is my new favorite recurring character.

Marcus Dog

Maybe you could key is in on these changes if they work for you. Love seeing your art and can't wait to see what else you bring this month ^^


There's a line where being used to it just becomes 'part of the job'. I love this set.


DOCTOR PEPPER. Yes. As always, love the medial/science bondage stuff with Kae. I wonder if these scenarios hit her fantasy center for any particular reason, like a callback to when it happened for real and she found out she was SUPER into it.


Chibi doctor pepper would be soooo cute


The big one is I started up intermittent fasting on a 16:8 schedule so that I only eat two meals within 8 hours of each other per day. By habit I wound up eating way less than I normally would and stopped eating at night. I was worried the hunger would be distracting but the hunger is surprisingly minimal and I'm able to focus more after meals when I eat smaller portions

Marcus Dog

Well, I really hope it works for you. Glad to see you're doing well either way :3