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This is part of a design concept for a Kae much further down the line. Her actual home/setting isn't futuristic, but this region in particular is

I still owe two more images for April! If you were a Patron during April and had to cancel before May, they will be messaged to you once they are complete if I miss my deadline in addtion to the sketchbook. I thank everyone for your patience. I may have mentioned it before but most everything that was eating my time has been taken care of so hopefully I can put out some more content. This past week or two I've been trying (and failing) to put out some comic pages. Long story short, art block sucks and just forcing it resulted in stuff I was unhappy with. Attempt #2 will be quite soon!

Sticker Tiers

Tomorrow I will be dropping the new sticker tier and removing the old ones. This one will be $10 per month and will include two designs every month (and a backup sticker of each, so four total stickers) If you happen to miss the chance to change tiers before the new month starts, I will refund you the difference.




Sketchbook will be late too, I'm so behind 😩


Something late can still be good, but something rushed will likely be bad forever. Take your time! :D


Looks like she gets blinded in one eye? :O Love the outfit as always. I like that you experiment with a huge variety of clothing. It's always felt a little weird to me to see characters in a fictional setting only have like one set of clothes. Gotta change it up! Edit: I didn't notice until it jumped out in the nude version, but she's missing an arm, too?! It looks pretty slick, some kind of magitech prosthetic? That plus the eye makes me think she was holding onto something that dis something bad. Maybe a weird relic exploded or unleashed energy she didn't expect it to? Or perhaps she had sacrifice the arm to reach into something and also got blinded in that eye in the process? Lots of questions have been inspired by this! I'm excited to eventually see your stories unfold. c:


I do mostly robotic/alien concept art, I really liked this one but just recently noticed the arm now I like it even more 🦾👀😃