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Once again with that body type... I can't help it, it's my favorite.

Here's a concept for a plant race I'm working on, but I'm happy enough with it that I think it's pretty much a finished design, I just have to draw what the feets look like

This is the last pic for February, posted a wee bit late




I finally made a new PC last month, a much needed upgrade. So working at this kind of resolution isn't a problem I had to skimp on the case a bit, but it's otherwise a good machine 👍


Love the style sooo much, I'm always amazed how you can make a char feel "solid" with so little shading <3


Here's the part list I made. Pretty similar to what a lot of other people are building haha https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Terifiel/saved/#view=xcBZZL I used a 1070ti Strix from my old PC and pulled a Windows Key off of an old broken laptop lol. This case is awful at containing any noise. I kind of wish I splurged more on that, but it was worth it to take the dive and build it


Your art is so lovely. i could do with more art that's lewd but adorable at the same time. and the way you draw that body type is so nice. <3


Honestly I just really like this body type, so seeing you draw it brings me joy x3 Thank you again, for making such enjoyable art, with vibrant colors and good forms <3


I'm glad it's your favorite, because I love seeing it. And this little critter is quite intriguing! I hope we see more of their species, because they definitely need a playmate. ;D