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-The last February pic will be uploaded later today! I'm pretty happy with it, I just have to fix up the background some more.

-I'm lingering reaaaally close to the goal where I start drawing monthly NSFW comics. I ordered some thumbnailing books last month so I can be prepared. My apologies for a somewhat lackluster January and February. I'm mostly back on track now.

-I also went back and finally deleted the original $7 Kuzellium and $3 Gatrium tiers that have been unlisted for almost a year now. Thank you everyone who was still on those! The current tiers are exactly the same, just cheaper.

Stickers (Why February is late, tier changes)

So I finally received February's stickers this morning. There's an obvious misprint on one of them that I wouldn't have been able to catch on their digital "instant proof". They say that they always double check the details in the comment before sending out the stickers, but twice now I've gotten misprints and will have to wait longer before I can ship them out. It's kind of frustrating because I don't want to make everyone wait for their stickers.

I'm going to look at my options here and cross-reference which patrons signed up for stickers both last month and this month, and if the patron is on both months I'll send the two non-misprinted stickers asap and then I'll send the revised sticker with March's pack so you'll be receiving 4 designs in March to accommodate. Patrons who were only listed in February and not March will have February's designs shipped to them as soon as the revision comes in.

I'm looking to change the sticker tiers around because it winds up being a lot of work getting three designs per month. Originally I had changed it to 3 stickers so that if I did any content that everyone might not be fond of (Pokemon as an example) people would still be getting two stickers from my own content, but as time went on I ended up not wanting to do more Pokemon and such anyways. I might remove the $16 tier and only do two designs per month. The $12 tier will instead be changed so that it's two new designs per month, and you get two of each (so a total of four stickers). This also means I can allocate more time and attention to two designs per month instead of three, so it might mean better quality on the designs themselves. It's also more cost effective in the end, so depending on how it plays out I might end up lowering the cost of that tier or doing a $9 tier that gets one of each sticker per month.

For the time being, I want to avoid adding a new tier until I absolutely have to because Patreon makes it extremely difficult to add new tiers. You have to manually add a permission for it on every post you've ever made.



TL;DR Stickers are late because they misprinted one of them badly. If you're a patron for both Feb and March you'll get 2 stickers from last month, and then 4 designs this month once the reprint arrives I'm going to change the tiers so that I'm doing 2 stickers per month instead of 3 (for a cheaper price)


Im sorry to hear about that, I hope that everything will work out for you. Love the content so far. Im rooting for ya


Hey, thank you for all the hard work you're putting into this. I really enjoy your art, the stickers, and am excited to see possible comics in the future :) I hope things carry well!