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I'm sorry everyone. I'm late on several things. mostly the stickers for this month. Out of nowhere Google randomly suspended my main Google account with no explanation as to why. I tried to repeal it and they said they were sticking with their decision.

I use that account to sign into Patreon.

AND the service I order stickers through.

The account had 6+ years of photos, videos and memories with loved ones. Several of whom are deceased. I feel sick to my stomach.

I have to go through dozens of websites and change the email they're associated with. I've lost all of my content through the Play Store. Luckily I backed up all of my artwork which was saved to Google Drive. I've heard of Google deleting those files off of local machines before so I'm glad they didn't do that.

I tried changing the email I sign into Patreon with, but I don't think they'll allow it unless I verify it from the original email. I'm going to have to talk to support

I'm going to be late with stickers this month while I sort this out among other real life things. If it comes to it, this might be the last month I do stickers through Patreon with the current tiers.

I don't want to turn this into a sob story but I've been having issues with my mental health and this kind of hit me like a wall. I feel like I just had a large chunk of my online presence ripped away. A large portion of photos and videos of my dog who recently passed are just gone. I cannot contact google in any way shape or form. Their replies on Twitter take 3 weeks

I'm going to continue to work on exclusives
The delays will only apply to my comic plans, stickers and sketchbooks.

Thank you everyone for your support. I have no choice but to power through this.



That's some bullshit just suspending your account with no warning or reason

Selth Blackwings

I'm sorry you have to deal with the idiocy of this service, especially at a bad time like this. I hope you'll be able to recover at least a few of the photos and videos. this is devastating.

Skeleton Man

I think that you should keep pestering them in all the ways you can find, until they tell you why they suspended the account.


That really sucks. I’m absolutely livid at google right now.


That sounds unprofessional and anti-consumer to block all access to your account without at least a proper method of backing up your data in a reasonable time frame. I hope you are at least ablr to retrieve everything you have stored in their servers. This is why I only leave duplicate data in cloud services.


Keep trying to contact them until you break through the automated messages and lower-tier customer service people that just copy-paste responses. Many times, the constant and repeated contact will flag it for someone to eventually actually look at it.


Holy shit


When I saw this after I woke up I felt nauseous just thinking about your end of it. This is so much bs, nobody deserves this.



john hinton

you can request re-activation here: https://support.google.com/accounts/contact/disabled2


I am actually in tears. I am so so sorry. I hope you seek legal advice and get help for this. It is utterly disgusting that you stored work on there in the knowledge it was safe and then they do this to you.


luckily my work is still safe on my computer, but a lot of important photos/videos are gone because of Google photos I'm hoping it'll get fixed. I should be getting more info today about it


Absolutely devastating. Keeping you in my thoughts.