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Now that I'm nearly caught up (I just have to get the sticker designs ready by the 7th) I have a few things I want to try out on this Patreon starting this month. Namely:

-Break back into comics, with a theme poll going live shortly after this post

-Re-evaluate the tiers, namely Gatrium so that the rewards are more defined.

-Adjust the workload to accommodate for comic pages

-Make the work-load more dynamic so that I can offer things like colored sketch compilations in place of standard exclusives. This way I can get more creative with art instead of scaring myself into drawing stiff poses

Thank you very much for your support! I'm going to try and hit this month hard now that we're going into the New Year


Skeleton Man

YAAAAY! I like this plan, look really interesting


Eventually get a 1:1 scale replica of Kae's sword. Hopefully.


One of these days I'll just draw up a bunch of different variations and then settle on one by process of elimination