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Same with January's sticker designs, my apologies. The dog I've been very close to, and has been with my family since 2007 is on his last legs with lymphoma and I want to stay with him at my parents' house as much as I can before he passes. If you were a patron during December and had to cancel or change your pledge, I'll message you any relevant content during January when it's released, if it takes me that long to get to it. I might still be able to finish the stuff on time depending when he passes



No worries! Please take your time doing what you need.

Kasran Fox

be well and take all the time you need. i doubt anyone among us would blame you. ❤️


You have my sympathies.


I understand exactly how you feel, I had to watch my baby pass in May to lung cancer. Take your time, grief is unpredictable and it's hard to watch a pet you love, pass away. <3

Joseph jimenez

damn well i hope your long time best buddy passes peacefully into heaven and that with time you feel somewhat better knowing you showed him how much he means to you.


I'm sorry you had to go through it too, it was honestly one of the hardest things I've had to do. Hopefully we can see our beloved pets again one day