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Good Morning! This is the last chapter of book 3! WOOO! That means the tuesday and thursday uploads will change to the next project, Elemental Accords! I hope you all enjoyed the third installment of Revenge. I know I enjoyed writing it. I hope that doesn't mean there is something wrong with me. LOL. Anyway enjoy the last chapter!

Chapter 32


Once Alice and Oberon finished their reunion, we got down to business of accessing the damage the army suffered from the orcs. Oberon lost more than a few undead, but he would be able to make it up with the orcs’ corpses. We had all gained a decent number of levels, with Oberon breaking two hundred.

I had managed to hit one eighty-nine, making we think back to the time only a few months ago when I wasn’t even level twenty after fourteen years of living. It made me wonder what I had been doing with my life before now.

“The mists are still around,” Helena noted while Oberon raised the dead.

“They are indeed. Got to love shamanistic magic. There is likely a sigil craved down one of the caves that is powering the mists. Depending on how many were sacrificed, it could be days or weeks before the magic fades,” Oberon stated as a batch of orcs rose from ground.

“Want me to handle it, darling?” Alice asked him as she leaned over his shoulders.

“Could you? That would save us a lot of time.”

“On it!” she gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran over to the side of the mountain that had some of the cave entrances.

“Was she always like that?” I asked Helena. As they were both vampires, I figured they had run into each before in Hizin.

“Hell no. I’m almost getting sick seeing the lovestruck wife act. Before if you even looked at her, you might have lost your eyes.”

“Ah good old Alice. Hasn’t changed a bit,” Oberon commented.

The ground suddenly rocked back and forth, and we turned to see that Alice had literally punched the ground hard enough to make a crater that was a few meters in diameters. Furthermore, cracks ran off in all directions for a good distance. “I guess it was the other side!” she said making a cute pose for Oberon and walking over to the other side of the clearing. Again, she punched straight down. This time the shaking grew worse as a blast of mana exploded from the hole. “There it is!”

“What am I looking at?” I whispered to Helena.

“Love, I guess. In all its horrifying power.”

Alice proceeded to fly over and nearly tackle Oberon in a hug.


Once we finished up at the orc town, the rest of the trip through the mountains was easy to the point of boring. My death snow had done its job and killed just about everything in the mountain. Alice had successfully crushed the sigil that powered the mist and it had faded over a few hours. I had been busy raising the orcs back as undead, so we didn’t lose much time.

“The Wandering City is the next target, right?” Alessa asked.

“Correct. Why?” I asked.

“I just remember a lot of stories about it from my time on the run. Said to be the city that you can make any dream a reality.”

“Got to love the market cities,” Helena added.

“Not sure how I feel about us razing it.”

“If they are willing to let me through to the dungeon, I’d rather avoid a fight. A dungeon city will have much stronger fighters. We will probably win, but at what cost?” I replied. I had lost more undead than I cared to the orcs. A city that literally lived around a dungeon? The strongest dungeon in this plane? We would have more than just a fight on our hands. “What do you think, dear?” I asked Alice who was leaning on my arm.

“It will be fine,” she answered simply.

“Care to elaborate?” Helena asked with a bit of a snip in her voice. There was a gust of wind in the carriage and the next thing I saw was Alice’s hand wrapped around Helena’s neck.

“No. I do not. Siateth’s dog,” Alice replied, her voice seething before she released her.

The rest of the journey through the mountains passed mostly in silence. Alice seemed to take a liking to Maya. Maybe as the child we never managed to have and the two got along great. Alessa and Helena were a bit at odds with her and tried to keep their distance.


“Is it burning?” Alessa asked.

We stood on a hill overlooking a large tent city that stretched for as far as the eye could see. Sections of the tent city were currently burning brightly. A ring that would dwarf many buildings in a city floated in the center of the tent maze. Runes of various colors and types were glowing brightly. Above it, a mountain floated. Though this wasn’t part of the Wandering Labyrinth.

“That’s where she went,” I mumbled as I took in the Iron Maiden. A fortress of stone and iron encased the bottom section of the floating island.

“I figured you would go for Mercy. I intercepted Sasha before she went all the way back to Haven and brought her here,” Alice explained with a large grin.

“That certainly saves me some trouble,” I replied running a finger down her cheek.

“Those in the city tried to fight, but they quickly learned that the Iron Maiden isn’t a joke.”

“Excellent.” I tightened my grip on Promise. “Time to dive a dungeon!”


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