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Chapter 25


With the tenth floor taken care of, we decided to head back. There was no reason to push further into the dungeon for the night. We had all gained plenty of levels and I didn’t want to over do it. Like Oberon said to me before. Gaining too much strength quickly was dangerous to those around the person. 

While we walked back to the castle, I checked my status to see exactly how much strength I had gained in the last few days. 

Name: Alessa Darkfeather 

Age: 14 

Race: Pureblood Vampire

Level: 71

[Basic Sneak: Master] [Basic Magic: Expert] [Magic Resistance: Major] [Necromancy Magic: Adept] [Vampire Forms 1:2] [Blood Magic: Expert] [Hand-to-Hand: Expert] [Telepathy: Novice] [Telekinesis: Adept] [Dimensional Stomach]

[Servants:5] [Ghouls:0] [Family:13] [Followers: 466]

Sin: [Pride: 35%] [Greed: 7%] [Lust: 40%] [Envy: 3%] [Gluttony: 65%] [Wrath: 36%] [Sloth: 1%] 

Curses: Ancestral Curse. Undying 

Boons: One with The Darkness. Bottomless Pit

I had gained a few levels, but the biggest was the new ability and boon that I had. That must have been what changed when I was drinking the troll. I had gained either the dimensional stomach or the Bottomless Pit boon. Ironically, it looked like my Gluttony had spiked as well. I just shook my head at it. I would have to try and use it to my advantage going forward. 

The next week went by quickly as I dealt with things dealing with my Familia. I converted the rest of the men and women and they had all hit the dungeon at least once. I had started sending members of the first and second batch out into the desert to hunt monsters there. It was a different setting and I wouldn’t be helping. So far, nothing had happened as they were doing their best to prove themselves to me.

That was mostly in part due to my treatment of Jade. She not only got the bow that would be considered an artifact to the adventurer community but had also gotten a few trinkets and armor that we looted in the dungeon. Plus, the fact I treated her like my second in command. 

We’d reached the thirty floor of the dungeon at this point. After the trolls came ogres then weaker elementals. The change helped boost my level again and I was sitting at level ninety. That said after roughly two weeks of dungeon diving, I was ready for a change in pace. 

I was sitting in the garden enjoying the night air when I heard a commotion from the entrance of the castle. As my level progressed so did the sensitivity of my senses. I could hear for kilometers. For instance, I had just been listening to a conversation from the goblin district. If I didn’t focus on something to listen to, the sounds could be overpowering. 

I focused on the entrance of the castle and heard a voice I hadn’t heard in close to two weeks. Oberon’s voice carried a strength that seemed to dare anyone to challenge him. Jumping up, I rushed from the garden over to the throne room where I knew he would go. 

Sure enough, he strode in with a few fairies and goblins trailing behind him. They all wanted his approval for this or that. I had to looked twice, as instead of the tight skin covered skeleton, a decent handsome man that looked to be about to enter his olden years strode in. The main thing that told me it was Oberon was actually his aura. 

“Alessa! How good it is to see you.” He paused and turned to everyone that had followed him in. “Everyone out. Now!” They didn’t miss a beat. Everyone skidded to a stop and turned almost fleeing the room. When everyone was out of the room, Oberon moved over to me. He placed a hand on my head and patted it a few times. “How are you feeling?”

“What do you mean? I feel fine,” I replied tilting my head.

“Come now. We’re about the only people either of us can trust in this world. You can be honest.”

It was like a dam broke. I shot forward and wrapped my arms around Oberon. It was like I was the actual fourteen-year-old girl I was supposed to be. “She left! She left and only offered a stupid note to explain! Can you believe that!?”

He patted my back and I felt calmer than I had in a while. “I was surprised to hear about it too.” He pushed me back and leveled his flaming eye sockets with mine. “What do you want to do about it?”

“If you asked me a week ago. I might have said to chase her down and bring her back even if it was against her will. Now… I’m not really sure what I want to do.”

“I see. Well I have good news for you. The nearby lordships are sending some victims to practice on. I hope your vampires are ready to see some real action.”

I perked up at that. “Any time!”



With my biggest worry taken care of, I patted Alessa on the head then moved over to the throne. Much like I told her, she was about the only person I could trust in the world right now. I would hate to see her mental state messed up due to her mother leaving her. Sitting down in the throne, I sighed in relief.

“Any interesting happen while I was stuck in that blast dungeon?”

Alessa shook her head. “Not really. Other than Helena being all secretive about what you have her doing.”

“I think that’s more just how the woman is,” I replied with a shrug. “Yunio please tell the others they can come in now.” The wraith solidified next to the door and bowed before she made her way out. 

“Is she safe?”

“She has been thoroughly twisted by the necromantic energies. It would hard to say that was the same woman that fought us two months ago. Still, I am making sure to keep a tight leash on her. For both safety reasons, and because I want to see how strong the soul really is.”

“I guess if you’re comfortable with it. I don’t have much to say.”

After a few minutes, all the important leaders of the few factions I had gathered so far formed a semi-circle around my throne. Alessa moved to join them, but I reached out and grabbed her shoulder. She looked at me curiously but I just grinned. I wanted her as my righthand then she needed to be showcased as being as such.

“I know some of us are tired, but we needed to have this meeting. Thanks to Helena, we’ve learned that a force has gathered at the nearby lordship of Kalia. They are to investigate the string of undeath that seemingly originated in this desert.” I looked around not bothering to mask my grin. “We’re going to give them a warm welcome.”

“My lord. Is… are we able to answer such a threat?” Gobluke asked. He and Gobrin had five other goblins that had risen to power recently thanks to diving the dungeon with Alessa. Of course, now that my batch had returned there would likely be another shift.

“Sure we can. The biggest threat after their numbers is the fact that they are supported by multiple churches. I’ve already thought up a solution to that problem and the undead should be able to respond to the threat much more easily then they likely assume they will.”

“A solution?” Alessa asked and I nodded in reply.

“We already had the answer several months ago. I plan to accept Siateth as our Guardian Deity and declare the desert and its surrounding lands as the Kingdom of Mayhem.”

“Is that supposed to be a play on the fact that your first country was called Harmony?” I turned to see Helena with a large grin as she filed her nails on the window seal. “Because if so, I like it.” 

I smirked but nodded my agreement. “That’s right. I once tried to unite the races with logic, honor, and love. Now I will unite them in madness and hatred. Chaos and insanity.” 

With my many of my memories back, I knew how to bind a country to a god or goddess. Normally, the ritual would take a clergy of at least several dozen priests and priestesses, but since my country currently consisted of mostly undead which were automatically under Siateth’s governing, I could do the ritual on my own.

Gobluke knelt and was quickly followed by the other goblins with him. “The Sand-biters will follow you.”

Zriq and the fairies followed suit. “As we pledged many years ago, so again shall we follow you on this path.”

Irgire shrugged and knelt as well. “Not quite sure, but I’m in. I didn’t have a place in the world seven hundred years ago. I doubt they would be too happy with me trying to claim my place now.” 

Ted joined next. “I still need to get my revenge. The rest of the world can burn along with the people that allowed my suffering.”

The undead around the room knelt as well, though that was more because I willed them to, rather than any choice they personally made. Looking at everyone kneeling, I started to laugh. We needed to celebrate! I held my hand out and formed several fireball spells then launched them outside. They exploded in the air in a spray of flames and light.

Tonight would mark the start of a new era. One of chaos and horror. It was time that the gods and goddesses of light and goodness learned to fear again. The night was going to be long and deep. 


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