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Hey Guys! I have had a few people wanting chapters for this and I've been meaning to write it! It has been almost three months since the last chapter, so this chapter is a bit short. I have to get back into the mindset of Oberon and Alessa. Otherwise they'll start acting like Regan and Louella. LOL



I was fascinated in the fact that so much of my bloodline had survived. Reaching out to them was now a new goal on my list of things to do. Sadly, from the senstation I was getting they were quite far, almost on the other side of the continent. Heading north to save Alessa’s mom had already taken us a month to travel that distance on foot would take much longer.

I turned to the two ladies. “Let us gather our strength here for a time. We will have to cross several kingdoms to reach the location of the major concentration and the single points are also quite a distance from us.”

Alessa gave me a noticeably disappointed look. “I guess if we don’t have a choice.”

Ameire gave me a different look. I could tell she was having some qualms about being in the presence of undead and the eviler races. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do about this. She would either learn to accept it or not. I didn’t plan to force any of my family to accept my new reality.

“If you’ll excuse me,” Ameire said then left the throne room. 

“How is she?” I asked Alessa.

“It is difficult for her, I think. She used to hunt beings like us after all,” Alessa said letting her head fall slightly. I nodded. I would have to keep an eye on her. While I wanted to save my family for this later generation. I would not risk another betrayal. Anything that might threaten me needed to be… handled.

“On a different topic, how are those women you brought with us fairing?” I asked moving to take a seat in my throne. Alessa said she would take responsibility for them. I wanted to see how she would manage.

“They are… acclimating. The miasma is hard on some of them, but the castle doesn’t have as much as I expected so they are currently living in the left wing.”

I leaned forward and placed my chin on my hand. “So? What do you plan to do with them?” 

“There have been a few that were interested in becoming like me,” Alessa said gesturing at herself.

“You want to turn them into vampires?”

“I would increase my Familia and they would me much more loyal. They have seen all our secrets and can’t be sent to towns of the other countries. It might be heavy handed but if I offer the choice of either vampire or undead, I think all of them will join my Familia.”

“I agree. That is a good course of action. I was worried with just Sarius as your only vampire minion.” 

“Yes. I want to be able to travel but I’ve learned that it helps to have as much help as you can get,” Alessa said pounding her fists together.

“Alright. I suggest you give them a day or two to stew. Then give them the offer. I will be there to assist so you don’t accidently drain them all.”

Alessa laughed nervously. “I wouldn’t do… Okay, so I might.”

“I need make a few visits. Run off and practice,” I said with a grin.

“Don’t think you can treat me like a child for fovever,” Alessa said as she turned on her heel and walked out of the throne room. 

“We all know that could be the case, isn’t that right Helena?” I mumbled to the empty room.

A shadow moved from the edge of the room and collased into the tiny vampire. “I guess sneaking up on you will be more challenging here at your seat of power.” 

“Very true. Enjoying your stay?”

“Yes. I never thought I’d see a true fairy even with my life span.”

I laughed at her bewilderment. “Tell me. Of those races you want to call to my city, which would be the most useful right now.” 

“From what I can see, you need a little bit of everything.”

“Yes. But we are a seedling. If you care for it in the wrong way, you could kill the plant before it flowers,” I said looking at her.

“The girl changing all those women she brought into the city into vampires is a good idea. Some of them might even get her sunlight resistance. That will boost your strength considerably. The issue becomes food and leveling. While vampires drink humanoid blood, we can survive just fine on monster blood.”

“Yes. I’ve had Alessa drink from monsters on occasion when the two legged variety was unavailable.” 

“Either way. I feel you want to create a dungeon. Those caves of renewable resources are the best place to feed a growing vampire army. Otherwise, you’ll soon need to fill this city with the races or face a maddened mob of vampires.”

I nodded at the advice. It was sound for my current situation. “I see you’ve failed to answer my question.”

Helena jumped a little. “Fine! Black Dwarves! You should enlist them first. They could rebuild this city and make it grand again.”

“Why didn’t you just tell me that?”

“Because I hate dwarves, light or dark!”

“That is a bit petty, don’t you think?” She had been around for over five hundred years. I’m sure she had a reason to hate them but still. She had been around for over five hundred year! She should be used to them.

“You’ll understand if you manage to bring some here,” Helena said with a tone of finalility.

“Got it. Know where to find said dwarves?” 

“Their last known settlement was destroyed during a war a few years back. I know there were survivors but their whereabouts is less known.”

I took a deep breath. “I miss my flying fortresses. The Golden Throne would be perfect for something like this. I suppose they’ve likely fell from the sky by now.” I had come together with some the most powerful people on the continent at the time to create these weapons of mass destruction. I had used Mercy to fuel the construction, but they were self-sufficient after that pulling mana from the sun. As long as they were in the sky, they would never fall. 

“Oh, it is currently in the south terrorizing the Aitos Continent. The Iron maiden was last seen over four hundred years ago heading north,” Helena replied hearing my mumble. 

“The Golden Throne still exists!?” I shouted despite myself. I leaned back in my throne as I thought about what that meant. The magic in them was tied to my soul. With my return, they should have gotten a signal. It was very possible they were making their way here. “You said the Golden Throne was terrorizing the Aitos Continent?”

“Yes. It will attack anything that comes within a certain distance of it. It’s famous. More adventurers than can be counted have lost their lives trying to destroy it.” 

“Good riddance, but that’s not what the Golden Throne was designed to do.” It was a peace keeping device built to house my royal family when we would go around to other countries. A show of power to keep the countries that would want to go to war in line. It certainly had enough magic weapons to destroy anything that came near it. 

If it did make its way here, I didn’t know if it would recognize me as it’s master given my current state. I should probably plan for the worst-case scenario and hope it doesn’t come to pass. I ground my teeth. I could really use Mercy right now.

“Helena. Where is the Wandering Dungeon right now?”


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