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Morning everyone! 


Chapter 10

Once the group was finished partying up. I was glad this game allowed for as many people as we wanted in a party. I asked Wizard if he had any idea how the EXP was going to be split but he could only shrug. I sighed then moved on to heal more of the new group. My AP was emptying fast, but I was able to offer tribute to Otris every thirty seconds thanks to the massive group kill new spawns that popped up too close to us. 

I vaguely got the feeling that Otris was getting close to no longer accepting the offerings. Each time I sent them, the feeling of disgust I got grew more intense. I would really need to do something to please her later. I wonder if she would like a live sacrifice or something,’ I thought to myself. If history was to be believed, Gods had a thing for that sort of activity. 

I chuckled to myself and healed the next person that came up to me. He was on his last few dozen points of life. While I was in the middle of healing him, my Holy Light spell suddenly felt different. I could tell it was healing a larger chunk each second. If what Wizard said was true, then it must have finally leveled up. 

When the group was finally fully healed nearly thirty minutes had passed. The field was clear of other players. The longest lasting group only managed to survive another twenty minutes before they ran out of potions. We saw a few groups approach from the forest, but most turned around when they saw the horrible number of zombies. A few tried to farm from the edges, but one wrong move would bring an entire horde down on them. 

“What do you want to do?” I asked Wizard. 

“I would like to farm if possible. It is one of the tried and true ways to level in a game,” Wizard said tapping his chin. 

“I don’t think I can sacrifice many more zombies to Otris. It felt like she was about to get mad at me, and I don’t particularly want an angry goddess on my back,” I said leaning on my staff. 

Wizard considered that for a moment. “Alright. We’ll maintain a margin of safety. Let me know when you think your goddess will stop taking the zombies. We’ll leave then. For now… let’s work our way to the farm house. There might be something good there.” 

“Sounds good to me,” I said cracking my neck. 

Everyone else agreed to the plan and we got to work. With so much firepower we were killing the zombies at a stupid pace. It was coming on night and we hadn’t seen any more players for a while. It looked like we had the place to ourselves. 

It was maybe an hour later, right as the sun was setting when things went sideways. We had been killing the undead without any issues. In fact, it might have been going too well. We reached the farm house and Hoop was moving to inspect it since the hunt was only possible with our team. I guess I should have excepted something since we were all prisoners here. 

“Now boys!” I heard Jason shout.

I spun around to find the other party pointing their weapons on us. Jason had a shit eating grin on his face. I reached up and pinched the bridge of my nose. Why do people have to be so annoying?

“Kill everyone but the priest. Time go earn some extra experience points,” Jason ordered. 

Before anything could happen, Hoop charged out of the farm house. He was followed closely by a roar that shook the very air around us. The farmhouse exploded as a giant undead zombie charged after Hoop. He was yelling for everyone to run. The traitor party looked from the giant undead to Jason. I had to give Hoop credit. He ran right between the traitors. 

“I think we should go,” I said and started to jog around the ruins of the farmhouse. 

I hadn’t taken more than a few steps when the screaming started as the giant undead ripped someone apart. Roars shook the air as the other party desperately started firing spells at the undead. I didn’t bother to watch. The others were close behind me, even Hoop had managed to rejoin us. 

“I hate to leave a boss behind,” Wizard said with a face that said he was in pain. 

“Boss? Ah, they give out rewards when you defeat them right?” I said it vaguely coming back to me from my younger days. 

“Yep. I think we should wait for it to slaughter the others then take it down when its weakened. It may look big and deadly. Is probably big and deadly. But we should be able to handle it with you, my friend.” 

I slowed my jog glancing behind me at the battle. The other party was holding out longer than I expected given the sense of danger I felt from the monster. I nodded to Wizard then made sure the rest of the party was in agreement before heading back to the ruins. We were out of danger so I decided to check my status to see if there had been any changes with the few levels I gained from the farming we did. 

Name: Abaddon


Angel: As an angel you will be unable to initiate combat with intelligent life. Self-defense is only allowed after a certain threshold. 


Priest (The linchpin to any party.)


Holy Light (Damage or Heal dependent on target)

Sanctuary (Area of Effect. Places a barrier around a location that heals or does holy damage to occupants)

Prayer of Strength Blood (Increases the stats of those around the Priest that have given blood to the Goddess Otris.)

Purify Blood Purification (Cleanses debuffs from target and boosts resistance to similar debuffs for a time. 30 second cooldown)

Holy Blood Radiance (Create a cone of light in front of you that deals damage)

Fallen Blood (As your Life points fall the effectiveness of your skills increase.) (Passive)

Level: 18

LP: 2800 AP:2800


Boons: Divinity of Otris

Goddess’s Affection


While I checked my status, a body went flying by us. I distinctly heard a crunch when the player landed headfirst on the ground. Even if his Health was full, he was dead now. I looked up to see that the other party had been decimated. Only a minute or two had gone by. The boss showed a large amounts of wounds on it that leaked rotting blood. 

“What I’d miss?” I asked Wizard. 

“Damn thing is taking hits like a beast. Its Health has to be ridiculously high,” Wizard replied. 

I looked over the battle taking place in front of me. Jason was still alive, but he was the only tank still remaining. Blood poured down from multiple crushed pieces of armor. I thought it was pretty amazing he was still alive. Horded health potions, no doubt. As I watched, the brute brought around his arm and sent Jason flying several meters where he landed after rolling several times. 

“Will his health reset if we let the battel finish without joining?” I asked vaguely remembering old games that had such a feature. They would usually go invincible as well while they returned to their original position. 

“I don’t think so, but I don’t plan on taking that chance,” Wizard said with clenched fists. 

“If I die, I plan to charge you a fee,” I said standing up and brushing off my robe. 

“Oh look, what kind of bird is that?” Wizard said pointing into the distance. 

“Let’s refresh our buff,” I said with a chuckle and pulled out the blood-stained bowl. 

Wizard grimaced but quickly nicked his finger. Every moment we waited the other party was being destroyed after all. The others quickly did the same and the bowl was filled in record time. With the buff restored we turned to the giant undead. There was only Jason and two long range casters left. 

“While we watched I identified the things to watch for. Once every thirty seconds he will randomly attack a target that is further than twenty meters from him. He will throw anyone he gets ahold of so watch out for any grabs. Finally, I’m sure he has a final stage once his Health gets low.”

“I can keep off you for at least two minutes. That is the best I can do. Probably less,” Hoop said. 

“Full output then,” Lulu said. 

We nodded and Wizard threw a fireball just as Jason received a blow that sent him flying across the field by at least thirty meters. There was a boom as the fireball collided with the giant’s back and staggered him. Hoop and Rocco charged down the hill towards the giant. 

Hoop shouted drawing the giant’s attention. Rocco stayed in Hoop’s shadow much like how they were fighting earlier. Atrope, Chloe, and Wizard all started their casting. I moved in front of them as I planned to take the first hit from the random selection. Even if the giant chooses another of the party, I would jump in front of them to take the blow. That would allow me to contribute damage to the fight. 

Hoop slammed into the giant shield first and brought his blade around to slice at the giant’s arm. The giant swung his arm and blasted Hoop back a meter. He managed to keep his feet, but it took a good chunk of his Health. I cast Holy Light to quickly bring him back up. A barrage of magical attacks flew from behind me and impacted the giant’s chest. 

Thirty seconds quickly passed. The giant turned red as he cast his head around. I don’t know if my plan worked or I was just unlucky, but his gaze locked onto me. The ground shattered behind him as he charged me, ignoring everything around him. I braced myself by placing my wings in front of me. 

I barely had time to think of anything else as the giant landed a blow on my wings. Like everyone before me I was sent flying nearly a dozen meters, asked later, and slid to a stop. My health dropped by three-fourths. That would definitely let me attack the giant. 

I threw a Holy Light on myself quickly bringing my Health up. Hoop had regained aggro of the giant and was taking a beating on his shield. When my health was at a safe level I turned the skill over to him. He managed to give me a thumbs up in thanks. The casters were busy throwing spell after spell onto him but it was like he had a resistnece to magic. 

With Hoop back in the safe zone, I ran as close to the giant as I dared to get. With his back in full view, I cast Blood Radiance. The cyclone of bloody light slammed full on into the giant’s back. I vaguely sensed that I managed to do a good chunk of health to the thing. It roared as its skin turned red. It looked around and before we could react it charged Atrope. 

She never even had a chance to react. The giant pounded her into the ground. I really hoped she couldn’t feel that, her body was basically a paste now. The giant turned towards Wizard, his rage state still in effect. It charged Wizard as he tried to dodge out of the way. He avoided the charge by a few centimeters. The giant reached out and grabbed Wizard’s foot as he passed. 

Like the Hulk from some old movies, he smashed his body on the ground several times before he tossed the body away. I threw a Sanctuary over Chloe just as the Giant slammed into it. He turned his head toward me and resumed his madness fueled rush. Taking what just happened to Wizard into account I waited for the last moment then dived between his legs. His leg managed to clip one of my arms as I passed but I managed to survive the charge. 

“This is his final phase! If we make it through this, we win!” Hoop shouted. 

“Tell that to him!” I shouted back. I cast a holy light on the giant and it roared in pain. I guess my skills had more of an effect on him since he is undead. The spot the skill hit bubbled and roiled as it melted off. I figured with me dealing so much damage he would focus on me by this point but I was wrong. 

The giant reached down and ripped a chunk of the ground up then threw it at Hoop who was charging him to try and take his attention. The clump of earth caught him completely off guard and cracked him straight over the head. He ground to a stop and I saw his head was at a strange angle. I couldn’t heal him even if I tried. 

I cursed then said screw it. I pointed both my hands at the giant and cast Holy Light twice. The two streams merged and slammed into the giant. He roared in pain. The little indication of his health dropping within my head let me know that he was close to dying. The aura of red grew more intense around him. 

When Blood Radiance came up, I used that too. I knew he was on his last few points but that’s when things got really got bad. As if he knew he was about to die, he ripped off his damaged arm and threw it at Chloe, who had just sent an arrow into him. It tore through the shield and crushed her into a tree that was behind her. All that remained was Rocco, Henry and I remained. 

At least that’s what I thought until I noticed that Rocco was half crushed not far from where Hoop had started the battle. It must have happened shortly after I was thrown. I did see Henry standing to one side trying to mix something but not succeeding from what I could tell. 

The giant turned towards me again and began limping at me. The aura was almost gone by this point. I took a bit of pleasure as I cast the last Holy Light directly at its head. It managed to take a few more steps before it fell to its knees. I suddenly felt something shattered against my back. Intense pain burned through my back. I whipped around to glare at Henry. 

“Just business,” he said with a shrug and a grin. 

“Blood… Purification…” I groaned out. A wave of cooling washed over my back. I glared at Henry. Bloody light swirling around my hands. I thrust at him and two streams of Holy Light picked him up and slammed him into the ground. His screams didn’t last long as he wasn’t that high level. 

I straighten out then heard a sound from next to the farmhouse. I swung around another Holy Light swirling around my hands. Lulu peeked out from behind the ruined remains of the house. 

“Are… Are you alright? Is… Is it over?” She asked with a squeak. 

“I’m fine,” I said through gritted teeth. 

“I didn’t do anything. I… I panicked when… when the massive thing tossed that Jason guy. I’m like a twig compared to him,” she said with some tears sliding down her cheeks. 

“Its alright. Don’t worry about it,” I said limping over to pat her head. 

When she calmed down, I walked over to the dead Boss. Placing my hand on the body, it exploded into motes of light. I wasn’t sure what to expect so I just went for the ride. 

Congratulations! You have defeated the First Boss of the Terran server! The Epic class Herald has been granted to you. The Unique Class Necromancer has been granted to your party member. Continue to bring light back to the Land!

Server: The First boss has been defeated! 


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