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What's up, little snugglers? We are back for another helping of riddles, hold the ketchup. Or do we mean mustard? You know what, why don't you listen to the episode first and then get back to us.


Adal Rifai

John Patrick Coan

Erin Keif

Editing by:

Casey Toney

Theme by:

Arne Parrott

Logo by:

Emily Kardamis & Emmaline Morris

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Hey Riddle Riddle

6351 W Montrose Ave #267

Chicago, IL, 60634

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Chris Clatterbuck they-them

The funky running trick we TRIED to pull on our kids was, narwhals are mythical creatures, they've never been real. We failed to realize that children are tiny repositories for animal factoids, and instead our kids CORRECTED on our assertion of mythical narwhals. 😑


I get high and work in Microsoft Excel all the time it makes it a lot more fun




My go-to child switcheroo is to teach them grapefruit for grapes and vice versa. Imagining a toddler telling a teacher "I ate 20 grapefruits last night!" and the teacher being very alarmed.


Damnit! I thought they were finally gonna do it. I thought this was going to be the first episode where every riddle was one they had done before but forgot. But I don't believe they'd done the boxing one before. Please correct me, anyone, if I'm mistaken though. It would be a historic episode indeed if they didn't do a single new riddle. 🤣🤣🤣 (Sorry Clew Crew. I love you guys. Just teasing you.)