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We're doing some long phone improv! 



Oh! It is Opus number 1 hold music :)

Jeremy Mele

The hold music has “haunted Super Mario 64” vibes, and I kind of love it

Ronin Op F

This was so fucking funny. It feels like you could do a series of these like with Public Access TV.

Briann Lohr

Lord ya'll triggered me with that damn hold music! Worst hold music EVER!!! 🤣

Alex Greco

I cannot tell u how many times I’ve listened to this one!!! It’s up there with my favs: wet wet waters and the new polar tech one!!! YALL ARE AMAZING ✨


Reading all the comments about the hold music made me wonder if it would be THAT hold music... I had no clue that was a universal thing


I started laughing uncontrollably when I heard the college money conversation. I thought all the money was going to go towards textbooks.