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Oh look! It's another Chatterbox! We can't wait to catch up! If you have a question/prompt for our next Chatterbox, add it to #chatterbox-topics in discord!



Mirror Ragz™


I literally have an old Facebook status that says, actual literal quote, "I wish there was a pill I could take to make me motivated and focus on my assignment. My brain, she just does not work." HEY GUESS WHAT

Hey Riddle Riddle


Evan Cordero

I didn't answer back so I guess I was just eavesdropping. Oops


Anyone know what the specific setting/app erin was talking about for making her phone a horrible to look at setting? I have a real problem with being on my phone at night and would love to try it out


It should be in your settings under either vision or accessibility, setting your color scheme to grayscale should help a bit!


An option is accessibility, accessibility shortcuts. I have triple click grayscale for art purposes and to make distractions less appealing. You could invert everything


Oh man, Adal, I was JUST talking about those Shark Bites fruit snacks a couple days ago, referencing the great white in particular. I was telling someone how the white color/flavor of Powerade tastes just like how I remember the great white sharks tasted. Give it a try!


Was McGruff the Crime Dog the 1st dog cop? And also, was he maybe the Columbo of dog cops? Similar voice and vibe, and I can’t imagine McGruff carrying a gun, but he was awful eager to bite…


Review rec: If you’re strapped for riddles or mysteries, 4 mystery books/audiobooks will give you some easier options. Sir Derek Jacobi does a spectacular narration of the Sherlock books on audible. There’s a section for short stories/anthologies under Mystery.


Omg! I live in Saugatuck! And yes, its weird. It would be amazing if you guys did a live show at the arts center. Im so sad I didn't run into the Magic tavern crew. That would have been the highlight of my year.


The conversation about Naked & Afraid made me realize you all NEED to do an episode of Alone for Review Crew. BEST survival show and has something for everyone. Start with season 6, 7, or 8.


Thanks to both of you. I will have to try a few options and see what works best for me

Hailing from Smakamuthafukka, WI

As a guy who has no idea where to start with skin care because I find most lotions greasy and leave an unpleasant feeling on my skin, I would love to know if JPC or Adal had any recommendations or suggestions. I am guessing its because I just use stuff like lubriderm and there are better options but I also am surrounded by a lot of people who dont think about that. My hands especially are very dry and I am constantly wanting to address it but have no idea where to start without running into the above mentioned problem.

Hey Riddle Riddle

best bet would be buy small bottles and try different brands until you find the one that works for you. I also use lotion at night right before bed so I don't have to think about the greasiness of it. Aquaphor is great for your hands, especially for small crack or dry patches. For my face, I'm not picky and I just buy any lotion that's minimum 30 SPF (but 50 is better) and I put it on right out of the shower. Not sure if that helps with the greasy problem, but at this point, it's routine.


Pre-banana peels can still get you pregnant.


CeraVe and Cetaphil make some really nice, mild, and non greasy facial moisturizers. For your hands, Duke Cannon's Bloody Knuckles is my favorite. Pricey, but worth it imo.

Kiera Conrad

If you have them, I've had a similar problem with greasy lotions but also eczema/constant dry hands, and I've found that goats' milk based lotions do an AMAZING job with both soaking into my hands properly, lasting, and NOT being greasy. E45 and any more petroleum jelly-based lotions (or just straight-up petroleum jelly) are also really good.

Heidi Nehls

I was already going to Costco so decided to stop at Target to get the special mirror cloths, saw there was 35 people in the checkout line, turned around and walked right out. 🤷🏻


Probably a very obvious question, so sorry in advance. Where can I find the invite link to the Discord?