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From Adal:

Hey Future Lizards!

February started off with Jemma and I taking a cruise to Mexico which was a delightful time. Dare I say we’re becoming cruise people? I’m adamantly against sitting on beaches so I mostly sniffed out the most delectable food and walked around the markets. We stopped in Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas with Mazatlan being the only semi-scary spot (we were told to stay on the ‘blue line’ that goes through the town; for our safety. GULP!).

Jemma and I have been trying to bowl more often since there’s a sweet little alley 5 minutes from us. Jemma consistently gets between 150 to 200. I mostly whip it as hard as humanly possible and pray for the best. Who do you think you are?! I AM!

Just last week we released the first episodes of a new podcast I’m hosting called      ‘Tell Me About It!’. It’s on the Multitude Network and is created and co-hosted by the wonderfully kind and talented Eric Silver (who led us through Goat Crashers on the Patreon!). The premise is that I’m a billionaire obsessed with GREASE (surprise!) and my manservant Eric and I have our own game show where we put contestants through challenges and games to have them prove that their interests are actually interesting. It’s been a fucking blast to record and our first episodes that dropped are Matt Young discussing toy collecting and Janet Varney on miniatures! Upcoming episodes include JPC, Jeffrey Cranor and even a freaking doctor of space. It’d be pretty cool if you gave it a listen!

Here’s what I consumed in February:


  • Perpetual Grace LTD. - was so pleasantly surprised by this show. It’s incredible. Written and directed by Steven Conrad, who created the show Patriot featuring the talent of Sadieh Rifai. It’s so goddamn weird and funny and deep and dark. I’m over the moon I stumbled upon it.
  • Narcos seasons 1 & 2
  • Party Down season 3
  • The IT Crowd
  • Bill Russell - Legend


  • Puss In Boots: The Last Wish - an absolute fucking snack of a movie. Looking forward to seeing it again and god help us if they make a new Shrek that's this level of gorgeous and hilarious.
  • Antman: Quantamania - woof
  • Across The Universe - Jemma asked me to watch it with her since she loves it and honestly it wasn’t as bad as I’ve been told all these years
  • Babylon
  • Todd Barry: Spicy Honey
  • Jim Jefferies: HIgh & Dry
  • Andrew Santino: Cheeseburger

Other Stuffs:

  • I’m getting better at and having way more fun with Elden Ring! It’s like if Breath of the Wild had a bad acid trip at a GWAR concert. Absolutely loving it.
  • Jemma and I have been really enjoying the dice game Qwixx
  • Lot’s of music this month. Listed to and really enjoyed the new albums by M83, Caroline Polachek and Gorillaz. I also dove back into the full catalog of albums by those wacky Welsh; Super Furry Animals. Their album Love Kraft has always been a favorite of mine but honestly every single thing they put out fucking rocks. If you’re not familiar and are looking for some new tunes to put on rotation then I highly recommend Fuzzy Logic as a starting spot.
  • I went to Milwaukee with some buds for a Bucks game and had a great time! The Bucks prevailed even without their greek god Giannis.
  • I finally made it to a Blood on the Clocktower game night hosted by our friend Rush (DM of the RidD&D campaigns!). LOVE the game but absolutely sucked shit in my first 2 attempts at playing. I’m used to the immediate reveal of good/bad in games like Werewolf but this one is a bit more of a mindfuck; requiring patience and the building of trust. Excited to keep at the gameplay and hopefully work my way up to ‘just OK’.
  • Jemma and I are heading to Tokyo, Sydney and Cambria in a few weeks! I think I’m legit most excited to try all the wild snacks they have a Japanese 7/11’s.
  • Oh and I’m jazzed to play Among Us (for the first time!) on JPC’s Twitch Stream next Saturday the 11th at 7pm CST! More info as you scroll down.

Please let me know what you’ve been enjoying!




From JPC:

Now I know you all rely on me for informative monthly updates so I can share the two to three interesting things I've done in the last month, but this month is going to be a little different. I'm ceding my time to talk about something I thought I'd never care about: electoral politics. My brother Jesse Brown is running for City Council as a Democrat(boo!)ic Socialist (yay!) in Indianapolis district 13. He’s not a cool internet communist like me, because he’s actually actively engaging his community and working with organizations to improve material conditions in his city. So, not bad. He’s a pretty awesome guy and I’m proud of him. And he’d be the first modern day socialist elected to the Indianapolis City Council. So that’s pretty cool!

Jesse cares deeply about people and making a difference in his community. And I like to play video games. I’m hoping to put those two things together to put on a Fundraiser Twitch Stream and raise some money for a good cause. And I would very much like it if you could join me.

When is this thing?

The stream will be from 10am Central to 10pm (?) on Saturday March 11th

What the hell will you be doing for 12 hours?

It's true. It's a long time to stream. Which is why I'll be joined by tons of guests! We will be playing games like Fortnite, Among Us, Among Us, Fortnite and even Fortnite. Most of my guests will be some of my favorite Chicago improvisers. There may even be appearances from a couple hosts of a riddle podcast. I'll also be featuring volunteers from Jesse's campaign to talk about the work they are doing in Indianapolis and on the Island of Fortnite. And I'll be kicking off and ending the stream by interviewing my brother and hopefully not damaging his political prospects too badly.

What do you want from me? And don't say money.

I would never say money. But, yes, money. Jesse is running against an incumbent and could use all the help he can get. But even more than that, I'd love for you to watch the stream, maybe even share it around. It'll be at Twitch.tv/Sharkbarkman. And you really don't have to donate to his campaign, but if you do, there will be lots of rewards, cool milestones and stretch goals. And all the money goes to a great cause.

And if you’d like to learn more about Jesse and his campaign, here’s his info:






HRR Updates/News

1. L.A. Live show announcement! We will be back at Dynasty Typewriter on Friday April 7th at 7:30pm! Link to buy tickets here: https://www.heyriddleriddle.com/live

2. Our March Livestream for Review Crew will be Tuesday 3/14 (The Valentine's of March) at 7:30pm.

3. Due to some scheduling conflicts the March Review Crew episode (reviewing the first episode of Columbo!) will be dropping on Monday 3/20

Love you all!

Adal, Erin & JPC



Yes Adal: Super Furry Animals!! I'm constantly amazed that you know bands from such small countries as Wales and Ireland (cranberries) JPC: I'm so proud of your brother for you (if that makes sense) I wish I could vote for him but I will defo share and check out the twitch stream Shruuump: love ya!


A while ago you all mentioned how fun Quacks of Quedlinburg is, and because of that I now own the megabox of Quacks (which contain both expansions). Absolutely love the game, and now am hunting for the next board game I should acquire.


Proud to be one of the 50 🙏


Hope you enjoy Japan - if there’s ever a hey riddle riddle show over here I will 100% be there. They have mystery train tours over here that are super fun - not sure any company has an English edition but if anywhere does it would be Tokyo.


Quixx is alot of fun, also like the similar, So Clever series of roll and writes.


My sister's name is Grace and she named her cat Kenny Pickles 🥲

Lauren Boersma

Can’t wait to hear about the Japan trip and the stream next Saturday


New podcast sounds fun. Is Monster Line no longer continuing?

Thomas Degroat

I've always been a defender of the Ant Man movies, but this most recent one... Hoo boy I sure did sit in a theater for 2 hours. Like literally right when I got out of the theater, my friend and I started talking about it and my main review at the time? "I feel like I could've just put on the soundtrack with the Windows Media Player visualizer in the background and had the exact same qualitative experience.


Hey, I've gotta say thank you of including me!