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This episode contains the sound of opening, pouring, and drinking orange soda. If you don't like hearing those sounds, this might not be for you.

This episode also contains four people reviewing every orange soda that they could find. So, like, if you're out because of the first thing, maybe that's for the best.

Thank you all for voting. 


Abbie Howell

When you're next in the UK you guys should try the Fanta they sell over here. It's got decent carbonation, and more real oranges in it, less lab-made chemicals. Tango is good too.


3 liters of generic orange soda in the fridge = childhood. Also, Jarritos mandarin.


Was I not listening close enough, or did this whole episode somehow omit a nod to Kenan and Kel??


I, like Erin, also feel bad about what I did. I voted for orange soda and then went back to change it but the poll had ended. Sorry 🤷🏻‍♂️

Mitchell Crispi

The description gives big “im not mad just disappointed” energy


How did none of them get Stewart's Orange and Cream??? That's the best one!

John Dusenberry

No Jarritos or Orangina?!?! Y’all done did yourselves wrong.


This just proves what a poll tax does to democracy. Anyway I loved this episode and love paying money to make y’all do this


Ok so, I am not sorry for voting for orange soda. I distinctively remember Jpc ( and I think others agreed) saying they didn’t want to review *good things. So I, like a sucker, have been voting for things that would be fun bad for them to review! The orange soda was clearly a worse choice then Glass onion. So I’m not sure you can blame bad democracy when it was run on a dishonest campaign. Lol. Am I nuts and remembering wrong ? I swear another review crew ep. It was stated and agreed that they didn’t want to review * good things. Maybe the over the garden wall one? Idk just saying I was trying to give you what you wanted cuz I love you guys. This must be what it’s like to have ungrateful children. Hahah


I remember something like this too. This issue also came up for JPC, on a Billbuds Patreon episode, because you don't have much to say if what you're reviewing is too good


It was halfway through this hour-long orange soda review that I realized with certainty I must have died because there is no way my corporeal life would have devolved to point