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Finally we're not doing one of these in March! Join us as we find out what happened this day, December 16th, throughout history!


Cat Gonzales

this chicken store scene is everything

Sydney Heim

When the Scholastic Book Fair came to my school it came with a Clifford costume (probably for one adult to wear around), but they would let all of us take turns wearing it around the school and we had to be like “who’s in the costume today!?”. Sometimes it would be like 10 year olds, and it would look like we killed Clifford and we were wearing his skin.


It's ok Erin, the man from Pompeii wasn't masturbating. His positions of his arms and legs are due to the immense heat his body was exposed to after he died, which caused his limbs to contract. https://www.menshealth.com/health/a19523837/pompeii-man-is-not-actually-masturbating/

Eva Svanberg

Always here for Jane Austen discussion. 1980 P&P is not my favourite, but I saw David Rintoul live a few years ago and he is handsomer now than he was as Mr Darcy.

Eva Svanberg

Also I sent you guys some JA riddles back in 2019, hope you get to them one day.


I used to go through the Argos catalogue with my sister but I don't think my parents ever got us any of that stuff. Mostly we drew our own catalogues with better toys


The quiet and subdued sincerity with which Adal voiced his opinion on American Pie was strangely compelling. Fuck that song!


Was Puzzbot in any episodes this year? I feel like I haven’t heard him in a while.

Dana Fah

the dude was wanking his pompenis


OMG literally i am from boston, living in boston, THEY WOULD NOT SHUT UP ABOUT THE TEA PARTY! So true Erin haha