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Adal, Erin and JPC catch up with each other and answer your questions! Be sure to submit to the #chatterbox-topics channel in the discord if you have a question for a future Chatterbox!


Mia Nickelson

Who is at Whirled News tomorrow?

Emily Poirier

Re Jeopardy: Second place gets $2000, Third gets $1000 (as long as you are not in the negatives). And yes, they do batch film and I _believe_ the Thursday airing one is filmed after lunch which is why Thursday is a streak breaking day (lunch breaks grooves). Someone verify that, please.


You’re right! That’s why they ask you to pack 3 sets of clothes in case you win all three


Remind me, wasn't someone going to clean and organize someone's place? Or am I thinking of some other podcast?

Mia Nickelson

Okay! I already have a ticket for tomorrow - what about Arnie and Matt??

Nadine Garcia

100% agree with JPC on the bread, rice, pasta question


If Adal writes a children's book about Chunt and/or Puzzbot, I will buy all of the copies.


I heard that Arnie disappeared behind a burger king, and Matt was beamed into space around that time?


"I'll eat it with my peanut butter spoon, I don't give a shit." Fucking sent me.


From what I understand, they don’t even pay to fly you out or put you up. So if you lose, you better hope that $1,000 consolation covered the cost of participating at all.


I don’t know what sent me more, the fact that we’re on our 5th Halloween special, or that Chatterbox is about to enter double digits


The last question!!! Somehow I listened to this at the ✨exact✨ perfect time haha. Thank you all so so much for your sincerity and thoughtfulness!!! It was a real treat to have listened to you since you started HRR and then to hear your thoughts about life at this moment in *mine*??? Fuhgeddaboutit. Also an Adal picture book??? Holy shit please make that happen hahaha


I was shocked that JPC and Erin either missed or just ignored Adal's dog comment during the peanut butter conversation 😂


J beef C is killing me 😂


How did I not know about sitcom d and d?