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Submitted for the approval of The Riddle Society, I call this story (full of broken mirrors, 'New English', crows, royal party guests and a new voicemail theme)....I Don't Know.


Adal Rifai

John Patrick Coan

Erin Keif

Editing by:

Casey Toney

Theme by:

Arne Parrott

Logo by:

Emily Kardamis & Emmaline Morris

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Hey Riddle Riddle

6351 W Montrose Ave #267

Chicago, IL, 60634

Want to leave us a voicemail? Call (805) RIDDLE-1 or (805-743-3531)

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Evil Bart

Not only have I listened to the main feed channel all the way through multiple times, I've done the same with the Patreon content. I work in a depressing field, and your episodes are a sure fire way to lift my mood.

Madeline Brose

My fiancé did the background and extras casting for the rehearsal, and I can assure you it was just as confusing and crazy on set hahahaha. He wasn’t allowed to explain it to me when he was working on it, but he would not have been able to anyways 😂😂

Robert Stoffel

JPC, if you’re still trying to get rid of the mirror, just throw away a tiny bit each week in the garbage! Little by little, that mirror will be gone by next year!

Kayla Kindig

I haven't really counted but I bet I've listened to every main feed and Patreon episode 4-5 times. I listen to them while at work, doing chores at home, and when I have one of my many chronic migraines and can't look at anything. Sometimes I even use you guys as background noise while playing videogames. I don't like being alone with my thoughts, I'd rather have the 3 of you in my head.

Michael K Staton

Return the glass to the store. They want to see it broken Otherwise people could just fake it and get free extra mirrors What is so difficult. You are an adult Ship the glass. If you're so concerned. Put it in a box and then that box in another box. ..get help


Little known fact, but if you tell someone like JPC to box the glass, he'll almost certainly eviscerate his hands. The poor fellow will have to walk around for a week with mittens made of bandages. We'd have to start calling him Mr. Hamburger Helper.

Madeline Brose

He would LOVE that!!! We listen to the show together but the Patreon account is mine 😂


I hope we get a follow-up from JPC after he's watched Moonfall 😂


I've lost count how many listen throughs I've done, for the last 3 years it's all I've listened to and I usually have to start back over every month or so. It has literally turned my brain to mush, listening that much has turned my inner dialog into all 3 hosts voices. My wife has gotten used to my constant fits of laughter. I've started to find it difficult to communicate with other people because I catch myself saying things like "Woman be hummus" and "normal" people have no idea what that means. The show should come with a medical warning!


JPC, just put one or two piece of the mirror in the trash every week and in 4 years, you'll finally be rid of it.